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Títol: Guide to writing master’s research paper, for the students majoring in 8.03060101 “Management of organizations and administration”
Autor: Mosiy, Olha
Kotovs’ka, Iryna
Kuzhda, Tetiana
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): O. B. Mosiy, T. I. Kuzhda., I. V. Kotovs’ka Guide to writing master’s research paper, for the students majoring in 8.03060101 “Management of organizations and administration” – Ternopil : TNTU, 2017. – 33 p.
Data de publicació: 2017
Submitted date: 2017
Date of entry: 16-de -2017
Editorial: Ternopil: TNTU
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil: TNTU
Paraules clau: master’s research paper
Resum: Master’s research paper (MRP) is the final stage of the Master’s degree and provides you with the opportunity to show that you have gained the necessary skills and knowledge in order to organise and conduct a research project. It should demonstrate that you are skilled in identifying an area, or areas, suitable for research: setting research objectives; locating, organising and critically analysing the relevant secondary data and authoritative literature; devising an appropriate research methodology; analysing the primary data selected and drawing on the literature in the field; drawing conclusions; and if appropriate making relevant recommendations and indications of areas for further research.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/21141
Content type: Book
Apareix a les col·leccions:Методичні матеріали кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування

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