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Teitl: Ferromagnetism in spin subsystem hybridized with conduction band in Anderson-Hubbard-type model
Awduron: Дідух, Леонід Дмитрович
Крамар, Олександр Іванович
Скоренький, Юрій Любомирович
Skorenkyy, Yuriy
Kramar, Oleksandr
Didukh, Leonid
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 6-Apr-2011
Date of entry: 6-Apr-2011
Crynodeb: Magnetic ordering mechanisms in spin subsystem of a model with Anderson-Hubbard centers have been studied. Besides the spin-spin interactions and strong on-site Coulomb interaction, the model takes into account the hybridization with conduction band which results in the indirect hopping and indirect exchange interaction. Our results show that in the considered model the effects of localization are enhanced due to reduced values of indirect hopping integrals in comparison with standard $s-d$-model.
Content type: Preprint
Ymddengys yng Nghasgliadau:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри фізики

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