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Titolo: Дистрибутив VortexBox 2.1
Titoli alternativi: Distributive VortexBox 2.1
Autori: Злобін, Григорій Григорович
Шалавило, Петро Богданович
Affiliation: Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, petro-13@meta.ua
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Злобін Г. Г. Дистрибутив VortexBox 2.1 / Злобін Г., Шалавило П. Б. // FOSS Lviv 2013, 18-21 квітня 2013 р. — Львів, 2013 — С. 156-158.
Bibliographic description (International): Zlobin H. H., Shalavylo P. B. (2013) Distributiv VortexBox 2.1 [Distributive VortexBox 2.1]. FOSS Lviv 2013 (Ukraine, Lviv, 18-21 April 2013), pp. 156-158 [in Ukrainian].
Is part of: Матеріали третьої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2013
Proceedings of the third international scientific and practical conference FOSS Lviv 2013
Data: 18-apr-2013
Date of entry: 22-dic-2015
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Львів
Ukraine, Lviv
Temporal Coverage: 18-21 квітня 2013 р.
18-21 April 2013
Page range: 156-158
Abstract: Distribution VortexBox 2.1 is based on Fedora Linux, is an Internet server for storing your favorite music files. The software works seamlessly together even with the old computer, and you can create your own music server for search, storage, conversion, storage and playback of audio files. Gain access to the server is possible anywhere where there is Internet access. Dostupyvshys, we have the opportunity to display audio information for audio output, as well as USB-output computer from which dostupylysya through applications for listening to audio files.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6628
ISBN: 978-966-2598-14-8
URL for reference material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5qM-QG3oLk&index=30&list=PLWOk1I0cUoIahD14lcvXe240kxTYO3gje
References (Ukraine): 1) “Connecting your VortexBox to your Network” http://www.vortexbox.co.uk/storepage430610.aspx
2) “Building a Vortexbox media appliance” http://www.homenetworkenabled.com/content.php?129-Building-a-Vortexbox-media-appliance
3) “Using your VortexBox with a Macintosh” http://www.vortexbox.com.au/Mac/part2.html
4) “Linux based operating systems” http://rupjat.wordpress.com/page/2/
References (International): 1) "Connecting your VortexBox to your Network" http://www.vortexbox.co.uk/storepage430610.aspx
2) "Building a Vortexbox media appliance" http://www.homenetworkenabled.com/content.php?129-Building-a-Vortexbox-media-appliance
3) "Using your VortexBox with a Macintosh" http://www.vortexbox.com.au/Mac/part2.html
4) "Linux based operating systems" http://rupjat.wordpress.com/page/2/
Content type: Article
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:FOSS Lviv 2013

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