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Pealkiri: Статичний аналіз ПЗ за допомогою його проміжних уявлень і технологій з відкритим кодом
Teised pealkirjad: Static analysis software through its intermediate representations and open source technologies
Статический анализ ПО с помощью его промежуточных представлений и технологий с открытым кодом
Autor: Зубов, М. В.
Пустыгин, А. Н.
Старцев, Е. В.
Affiliation: Челябинский Государственный Университет,
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Зубов М. В. Статический анализ ПО с помощью его промежуточных представлений и технологий с открытым кодом / Зубов М. В., Пустыгин А. Н., Старцев Е. В. // FOSS Lviv 2012, 26-28 квітня 2012 року — Львів, 2012 — С. 165-168.
Bibliographic description (International): Zubov M. V., Pustyhin A. N., Startsev E. V. (2012) Staticheskii analiz PO s pomoshchiu eho promezhutochnykh predstavlenii i tekhnolohii s otkrytym kodom [Static analysis software through its intermediate representations and open source technologies]. FOSS Lviv 2012 (Ukraine, Lviv, 26-28 April 2012), pp. 165-168 [in Russian].
Is part of: Матеріали другої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2012
Materials of second international scientific conference FOSS Lviv 2012
Ilmumisaasta: 20-apr-2012
Date of entry: 30-nov-2015
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Львів
Ukraine, Lviv
Temporal Coverage: 26-28 квітня 2012 року
26-28 April 2012
Page range: 165-168
Kokkuvõte: This paper presents current existing approaches of using programs's representations for static analysis. This analysis can help with understanding and extending open-source software. The most common approaches were implemented in prototypes with open technologies. Also class-level detailed representation was developed and implemented in prototype to prove the assumption of more effective analysis on less detailed representation.
ISBN: 978-966-8460-99-9
URL for reference material:
References (Ukraine): 1.Ахо А. В., Ульман Д.Д. / Компиляторы. Принципы, технологии и инструментарии. / М.: Вильямс, 2008 г.
2.ANTLR Parser Generator /
3. Checkstyle - Checkstyle 5.5 /
4. ROSE /
5.Pylint (analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality) /
6. logilab-astng (Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation) /
7. Open JDK /
8. Ingres 10.0 QUEL Reference guide / Ingres corp. 2010,
9.M. Linton / Queries and Views of Programs Using a Relational Database System /
10. 0. de Moor, E. Hajiyev, M. Verbaere / Object-oriented queries over software systems / ACM Press, 2007.
11.Enabling tools for your project | SemmleCode /
12.R. Crew / ASTLOG: A Language for Examining Abstract Syntax Trees / Microsoft Research, 1997.
13.E. Hajiyev/ CodeQuest - Source Code Querying with Datalog / St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, 2005.
14.S. Jarzabek / Design of Flexible Static Program Analyzers with PQL / IEEE Transactions on software engineering, vol. 24, no. 3, march 1998.
15.M. Kinmming, M. Monperrus, M. Mezini / Quering Source Code with Natural Language / 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering (ASE2011).
16.MTC (Models and Theory of Computation): BLAST Project /
17.G.C. Murphy, D. Notkin, K. Sullivan / Software Reflexion models: Bridging the gap between source and high-level models / Third ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 18-28, New York, ACM Press, 1995.
18.Project Bauhaus. Software Architecture, Software Reengineering, and Program Understanding /
19.И. Грэхем / Объектно-ориентированные методы. Принципы и практика / М.: Вильямс, 2004 г.
References (International): 1.Akho A. V., Ulman D.D., Kompiliatory. Printsipy, tekhnolohii i instrumentarii., M.: Viliams, 2008 y.
2.ANTLR Parser Generator,
3. Checkstyle - Checkstyle 5.5,
4. ROSE,
5.Pylint (analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality),
6. logilab-astng (Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation),
7. Open JDK,
8. Ingres 10.0 QUEL Reference guide, Ingres corp. 2010,
9.M. Linton, Queries and Views of Programs Using a Relational Database System,
10. 0. de Moor, E. Hajiyev, M. Verbaere, Object-oriented queries over software systems, ACM Press, 2007.
11.Enabling tools for your project | SemmleCode,
12.R. Crew, ASTLOG: A Language for Examining Abstract Syntax Trees, Microsoft Research, 1997.
13.E. Hajiyev/ CodeQuest - Source Code Querying with Datalog, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, 2005.
14.S. Jarzabek, Design of Flexible Static Program Analyzers with PQL, IEEE Transactions on software engineering, vol. 24, no. 3, march 1998.
15.M. Kinmming, M. Monperrus, M. Mezini, Quering Source Code with Natural Language, 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering (ASE2011).
16.MTC (Models and Theory of Computation): BLAST Project,
17.G.C. Murphy, D. Notkin, K. Sullivan, Software Reflexion models: Bridging the gap between source and high-level models, Third ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 18-28, New York, ACM Press, 1995.
18.Project Bauhaus. Software Architecture, Software Reengineering, and Program Understanding,
19.I. Hrekhem, Obieektno-orientirovannye metody. Printsipy i praktika, M.: Viliams, 2004 y.
Content type: Article
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