Моля, използвайте този идентификатор за цитиране или линк към този публикация: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6247

Заглавие: Бібліотека для просунутих функцій в алгоритмах, структурах даних і штучного інтелекту, реалізованих в C/C++-Olib
Други Заглавия: Library for advanced functions in algorithms, data structures and AI implemented in C/C++ - Olib
Автори: Wszeborowska, A.
Swierczewski, L.
Wszeborowska, A.
Świerczewski, Ł.
Affiliation: Computer Science and Automation Institute, College of Computer Science and Business Administration in Lomza, olcia90.prv@wp.pl, luk.swierczewski@gmail.com
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Wszeborowska A. Library for advanced functions in algorithms, data structures and AI implemented in C/C++ - Olib / Wszeborowska A., Swierczewski L. // FOSS Lviv 2012, 26-28 квітня 2012 року — Львів, 2012 — С. 147-149.
Bibliographic description (International): Wszeborowska A., Swierczewski L. (2012) Library for advanced functions in algorithms, data structures and AI implemented in C/C++ - Olib. FOSS Lviv 2012 (Ukraine, Lviv, 26-28 April 2012), pp. 147-149 [in English].
Is part of: Матеріали другої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2012
Materials of second international scientific conference FOSS Lviv 2012
Дата на Публикуване: 20-Апр-2012
Date of entry: 30-Ное-2015
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Львів
Ukraine, Lviv
Temporal Coverage: 26-28 квітня 2012 року
26-28 April 2012
Page range: 147-149
Резюме: Developers of one of most popular languages used for scientific computations which is C, have a lot of libraries at their disposal. Many of those allows usage of modern platforms equipped with advanced multicore processors. Among them is BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage). They contain mainly high performance procedures operating on matrix and vectors.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6247
ISBN: 978-966-8460-99-9
URL for reference material: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm
References (Ukraine): 1. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie (1988). The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall, Inc
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm
3. Zbigniew Czech (2010). Wprowadzenie do obliczen rownolegfych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
4. Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot (2011). CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming. Addison-Wesley
5. http://www.goldbach.pl/olib
References (International): 1. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie (1988). The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall, Inc
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm
3. Zbigniew Czech (2010). Wprowadzenie do obliczen rownolegfych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
4. Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot (2011). CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming. Addison-Wesley
5. http://www.goldbach.pl/olib
Content type: Article
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