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Title: Influence of vibration of parts on structure and properties of metal in surfacing
Other Titles: Влияние вибраций детали в процессе наплавки на структуру и свойства металла
Вплив вібрацій деталі в процесі наплавлення на структуру і властивості металу
Authors: Pulka, Ch.V.
Shably, O.N.
Senchishin, V.S.
Sharyk, M.V.
Gordan, G.N.
Пулька, Чеслав Вікторович
Шаблій, Олег Миколайович
Шарик, Мирослав Володимирович
Сенчишин, Віктор Степанович
Affiliation: Ternopol Ivan Pulyuj National Technical University, Ternopol. Ukraine
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Ch.V. Pulka, O.N. Shably, V.S. Senchishin, M.V. Sharyk and G.N. Gordan. Influence of vibration of parts on structure and properties of metal in surfacing. The Paton Welding Journal. 1/2012. P. 23-25.
Is part of: The Paton Welding Journal
Автоматическая сварка
Issue Date: 2012
Date of entry: 6-十一月-2015
Keywords: induction surfacing
specific power
vertical and horizontal vibrations
deposited metal
wear resistance
Page range: 23-25
Abstract: Presented are the investigation results of structure and properties of metal deposited by induction method with super­ position of vibrations in a period of inciting of a surfacing consumable. It is shown that the superposition of vibrations leads to improvement of wear resistance of the deposited metal due to refinement of its structure.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6142
References (Ukraine): 1. Tkachev, V.N., Fishtejn, B.M., Kazintsev, N.V. et al. (1970) Induction surfacing of hard alloys. Moscow: Mashinostroenie.
2. Pulka, Ch.V. (2003) Hardfacing the working components of tillage and harvesting agricultural machinery (Review). The Patou Welding J.. 8, 35-40.
3. Shably, O.M., Pulka, Ch.V., Senchishin, V.S. et al. Method for surfacing of thin plana steel parts. Pat. on useful model 54204 UA. Int. Cl. B23K 13/00. Publ. 25.10.2010.
4. Pulka. Ch.V., Senchishin, V.S. Device for surfacing of thin shaped disks. Pat. on useful model 59994 UA. Int. Cl. H23K 13/00. Publ. 10.06.2011.
5. Pulka, Ch.V., Senchishin, V.S. Method of surfacing of parts. Pat. on useful model 64371 UA. Int. Cl. B23K 13/00. Publ. 10.11.2011.
6. Shablv, O.M., Pulka, Ch.V., Senchishin, V.S. (2011) Vibroinduction surfacing of thin plane parts. In: Abstr. of 10th Int. Synip. of Ukr. Mechanical Engineers (Lviv, 25-27 May, 2011), 289-290.
7. Yuzvenko. Yu.A., Gavrish, V.A., Marienko, V.A. (1979) Laboratory machines for assessment of wear resistance of de­ posited metal. In: Theoretical and technological principles of surfacing. Properties and tests of deposited metal. Kiev: PWI.
Content type: Article
�蝷箔����:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри технології та обладнання зварювального виробництва

