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Título : Tools for strategic management of enterprise based on the value growth
Autor : Федорович, Роман Володимирович
Серединська, Віра Миколаївна
Загородна, Ольга Михайлівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Seredynska V. M. Zahorodna O. M. , Fedorovych R. V. Tools for strategic management of enterprise based on the value growth / «Evropský časopis ekonomiky a managementu» Том 3 вип. 2 с. 55-62
Conference/Event: «Evropský časopis ekonomiky a managementu» Том 3 вип. 2 с. 55-62
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Date of entry: 5-may-2017
Place of the edition/event: Чехія
Palabras clave : strategy, strategic management, strategic goals, strategic objectives, key performance indicators, balanced management
Number of pages: 55-62
Resumen : The study of business practices of domestic enterprises shows that nowadays strategic management has been neglected, and its used mostly to resolved situational problems associated with the acceleration of turnover, covering deficits, cash flow optimization, cost reduction, etc. However, these figures are unlikely to be used to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic management as they do not take into account the risks and requirements of existing investors with regards to the profitability of their investments, neither they make it impossible to understand how to develop business and achieve successful results in the long run; how to attract investment in new projects and develop, evaluate alternative strategy; how to increase the efficiency of business units and form a diverse company. This fact is confirmed by studies of some researchers , , . They point out that the management of the business can be accompanied by unsuccessful and poor handled organisational structure, as well as inability to establish effective
URI : http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20597
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Content type: Article
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