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Знайдені матеріали:
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article201717-жов-2017Synthesis of effective components of the mechanism of managing adaptive development of production and economic organizationsМариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Панухник, Олена Віталіївна; Крамар, Ірина Юріївна
Articleтра-201721-чер-2017The transition from financing expenses to financing the results - the strategic direction of higher education reform in UkraineКонстантюк, Наталія; Баб'як, Жанна
Article201721-чер-2017Higher Education as Important Investment project for State and Local LevelsKonstantiuk, Nataliia
Article201714-тра-2018Prerequisites and Prospects for Creation of Mutually Benefitial Trade Cooperation between Ukraine and IndiaMarkovych, Iryna; Bazhanova, Nataliia
Article201714-тра-2018Development of a mechanism of strengthening the competitive position of domestic enterprises and institutional formations in global economies convergence conditionsMarkovych, Iryna
Article1-лис-20175-гру-2017Experimental research of power parameters of the process of forming a shelf on screw blankГевко, Іван Богданович; Гупка, Андрій Богданович; Круглик, Олександр Іванович
Article201723-тра-2017Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-RegionsPANUKHNYK, Olena
Article20173-тра-2018Chances for Ukrainian microregions to enter the Global Village: problems, challenges, and risks of advanceПанухник, Олена Віталіївна; Федотова, Яна Геннадіївна
Article20175-тра-2017Tools for strategic management of enterprise based on the value growthФедорович, Роман Володимирович; Серединська, Віра Миколаївна; Загородна, Ольга Михайлівна