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Title: Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Regions
Authors: PANUKHNYK, Olena
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): PANUKHNYK Olena Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Regions / Olena PANUKHNYK // Advanced Engineering Forum. - Vol. 22. - pp. 77-86, 2017
Issue Date: 2017
Date of entry: 23-May-2017
Place of the edition/event: Switzerland
Keywords: Functional and Target Structure of Mechanism to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Region, Functional Distribution of Authorities, Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Region
Number of pages: 10
Abstract: Objective necessity to conceptualize functional distribution of authority to regulation social, ecological, and economic development of micro-regions has been substantiated to provide efficiency of their policy regulation as well as effective regulating functions. The content of principles to be a basis to regulation social, ecological, and economic development of micro-regions has been shown and developed. Functional and target structure of mechanism to regulation social, ecological, and economic development of micro-region has been proposed. A role of each regulation subsystem has been identified; its purpose and functions have been determined; components and regulation tools have been listed.
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Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри економіки та фінансів

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