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Tittel: Methodical recommendations on conducting the seminars on the course “History and culture of Ukraine” for students of training directions 6.060101 Construction, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 Management
Authors: Shchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna
Щигельська, Галина Остапівна
Affiliation: Nikonenko V.M., PhD (philosophy), prof. of department of Ukrainian studies and philosophy Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj national technical university Kryskov A.A., PhD (history), dots. of department of Ukrainian studies and philosophy Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj national technical university
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Shchyhelska H.O. Methodical recommendations on conducting the seminars on the course “History and culture of Ukraine” for students of training directions 6.060101 Construction, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 Management / H.O. Shchyhelska. – Ternopil: Terno-graf, 2015. – 40 p.
Utgivelsesdato: 2015
Date of entry: 15-sep-2016
Forlag: Terno-graf
UDC: 9У+42(07)
BBK: 63
Emneord: history
Number of pages: 40
Abstrakt: Methodical recommendations on conducting the seminars on the course “History of Ukraine” сontaine plans of seminars of the academic discipline, guidelines for each question of a thematic plan, questions for self-evaluation of students' knowledge, lists of recommended literature and electronic resources. Recommended for students of training directions 6.050101 Computer science, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 Management.
Beskrivelse: Studied and approved at the meeting of the Department of Ukrainian studies and Philosophy (August 25, 2015, protocol No1). Approved and recommended at the meeting of the methodical committee of the Faculty of Foreign Students Training of the Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University (August 27, 2015, protocol No1).
Content type: Learning Object
Vises i samlingene:Навчальні матеріали кафедри українознавства і філософії

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