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Titel: The course of lectures on discipline "Human Resource Management"
Författare: Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kotovs‘ka I. V. "Human Resource Management" : course of lectures for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 ― "Management" (full-time study bachelors). – 2nd edition, revised and enlarged / I. V. Kotovs‘ka. - Ternopil : TNTU, 2016. – 112 p.
Utgivningsdatum: 14-jul-2016
Date of entry: 14-jul-2016
UDC: 331.108
BBK: 65.050.9
Nyckelord: Human Resource Management
HRM function
Управління персоналом
функції управління персоналом
training and development
and maintenance
roles HR specialists
models of HR management roles
HR competence map
human resource information system
weighted application forms
виважені заяви
підбір кадрів
навчання і розвиток
роль HR-фахівців
інформаційна система людських ресурсів
моделі функцій управління персоналом
карта кадрової компетенції
Number of pages: 112
Sammanfattning: The main purpose of this book is to give a balanced introduction to the complex world of human resource management. Essentially it is intended for first degree students studying the subject as part of a modular degree course or for students on a foundation degree in Business Studies. The book combines the main theoretical underpinning for the subject area with a large number of practical examples and cases to assist the learning process.
The practice of human resource management (HRM) is concerned with all aspects of how people are employed and managed in organizations. It covers activities such as strategic HRM, human capital management, corporate social responsibility, knowledge management, organization development, resourcing (human resource planning, recruitment and selection, and talent management), performance management, learning and development, reward management, employee relations, employee well-being and health and safety and the provision of employee services. HRM practice has a strong conceptual basis drawn from the behavioural sciences and from strategic management, human capital and industrial relations theories. This foundation has been built with the help of a multitude of research projects.
Beskrivning: Why Is HRM Important to an Organization? (Чому управління персоналом важливе для організації?) The Role Of The HR Practitioner (Роль менеджера з управління персоналом) Human Resource Planning (Планування людських ресурсів) Recruiting (Рекрутинг) Foundation Of Selection (Основи підбору працівників) Socializing, Orientation And Development Employee (Сілкування, орієнтація та розвиток персоналу) Job Evaluation (Оцінка роботи)
Content: Lecture 1 Why Is HRM Important to an Organization?...ст.3 Lecture 2 The Role Of The HR Practitioner...ст.12 Lecture 3 Human Resource Planning...ст.23 Lecture 4 Recruiting...ст.34 Lecture 5 Foundation Of Selection...ст.49 Lecture 6 Foundation Of Selection (continue)...ст.65 Lecture 7 Socializing, Orientation And Development Employee...ст.73 Lecture 8 Socializing, Orientation And Development Employee (continue)...ст.82 Lecture 9 Job Evaluation...ст.95 Lecture 10 Working in Groups...ст.106
References (International): Raymond A. Noe [et al.].- 2nd ed. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management[McGraw-Hill/Irwin]. Michael Armstrong. – 7 ed. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice David A DeCenzo, Stephen P. Rob-bins– 8th ed. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. Storey, J. (1992) Developments in the Management of Human Resources. Blackwell. Swart, J., Kinnie, N., Purcell, J. (2003) People and Performance in Knowledgeintensive Firms, CIPD. Boselie, P., Dietz, G. (2003) Commonalities and Contradictions in Research on Human Resource Management and Performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Seattle, 2003. Boxall, P., Purcell, J. (2003) Strategy and Human Resource Management. Palgrave. Brown, D. (2003) A capital idea. People Management, 26 June, 42–46.
Content type: Learning Object
Samling:Методичні матеріали кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування

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