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Tytuł: Mainstreaming of information and communication technologies’ application as precondition for successful implementation of ukrainian micro-regions public projects: scientific approach
Authors: Панухник, Олена Віталіївна
Bibliographic description: Panukhnyk O. Mainstreaming of information and communication technologies’ application as precondition for successful implementation of ukrainian micro-regions public projects: scientific approach / O. Panukhnyk // VI Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Projekty regionalne i lokalne – interesariusze projektu. Radzionkow, 13-15 czerwca 2016. - Р.32-33
Konferencja/wydarzenie: VI Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Projekty regionalne i lokalne
Data wydania: 23-cze-2016
Date of entry: 23-cze-2016
Strony: 2
Zakres stron: 32-33
Główna strona: 32
Strona końcowa: 33
Abstract: The effectiveness of the work towards successful realization of public projects demands introduction of various advanced technologies for microregions. In particular, the use of information and communication technologies should be aimed at improving external communication process of local government with the public. This will ensure the mutual exchange of information between the microregions and communities, enhance civic participation in addressing local development and, consequently, to monitor the activities of local authorities as regulation actors of microregions.
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Typ zawartości: Article
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