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Título: Investigation of modern approaches to the classification of risks in accounting
Authors: Королюк, Тетяна Миколаївна
Affiliation: Department of Accounting and Audit, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (International): Korolyuk Tetyana Investigation of modern approaches to the classification of risks in accounting / Tetyana Korolyuk // Association 1901 "SEPIKE". – 2016. - Ausgabe 12. – p. 94-97.
Journal/Collection: Association 1901 "SEPIKE"
Issue: 12
Data de edición: 13-Jun-2016
Date of entry: 13-Jun-2016
Palabras chave: risk
types of activity
systems thinking
Number of pages: 4
Page range: 94-97
Start page: 94
End page: 97
Resumo: The clear structuralization of information on risks within their types in the accounting system as the relevant basis for taking managerial decisions is required. While exploring the main rules of classification procedure it was found that the rules of notions division are used as classification rules. Besides, system thinking in the risks classification to find the connections between the elements of the investigated object as a system has been found to be used. Classification of risks in the system of accounting according to the principle from general to a particular has been proposed, which will make easier to measure and estimate the risks of business entities and will make it possible to show in accounting, simultaneously with the object, the risks, which accompany them. Such classification features have been studied: place of arise (external and internal risks); types of activity (operational, financial and investment risks); accounting objects (risks of business resources, risks of sources of the business resources formation and risks of business processes). Such classification is of the three-level system, which is good enough to estimate the circumstances and factors of the risks arise.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17148
References (International): 1. Vygivska, I.M. (2010), Bukhhalters'kyy oblik diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv v umovakh ryzyku: orhanizatsiya ta metodyka [Accounting of the enterprise in risk conditions: organisation and methods], Extended abstract of candidate's thesis, ZSTU, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. 2. Fomina, O.V. & Goncharenko, O.M. (2015), Otsinka ryzykiv pidpryyemstva v systemi obliku [Estimation of the enterprise risks in the system of accounting], Ekonomicnij Casopis- XXI – Economic Annals-XXI, No. 3-4(2), pp. 67-70. 3. Shevelev, A.Y. & Sheveliova, Y.V. (2008), Riski v bukhgalterskom uchete [Risks in accounting], KNORUS, Moscow, Russian Federation. 4. Stafievskaia, M.V. (2013), Kontseptual'nyye osnovy bukhgalterskogo ucheta riskov [Conceptual basis of the risks accounting], Extended abstract of candidate's thesis, NSU, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation. 5. Tolstova, A.S. (2009), K voprosu o riskakh v bukhgalterskom uchete [On the problem of risks in accounting], Ekonomicheskiye nauki – Economic sciences, No. 11, pp. 321-324. 6. Rozova, S.S. (1986), Klassifikatsionnaya problema v sovremennoy nauke [Classification problem in modern science], Science, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. 7. Vikipedia, Available at: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki. 8. Saraieva, I.M. (2008), Systemne moНОlвuvannвa protsОsu ТНОntвПТkatsТвТ pТНprввОmnвtsʹkвkС ryzykiv [Systems modeling of the entrepreneurship risks identification], Fenix, Odesa, Ukraine.
Content type: Article
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