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Titre: Выкарыстанне мультыкансольных канфігурацый працоўных станцый
Auteur(s): Красоўскі, C. А.
Affiliation: Брэсцкі дзяржаўны тэхнічны універсітэт
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Красоўскі C. А. Выкарыстанне мультыкансольных канфігурацый працоўных станцый / Красоўскі C. А. // FOSS Lviv 2015, 23-26 квітня 2015 року — Л., 2015 — С. 125-126.
Bibliographic description (International): Krasouski C. A. (2015) Vykarystanne multykansolnykh kanfihuratsyi pratsounykh stantsyi. FOSS Lviv 2015 (Lviv, 23-26 April 2015), pp. 125-126 [in Belarusian].
Is part of: Матеріали п’ятої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2015
Proceedings of the fifth international scientific and practical conference FOSS Lviv 2015
Conference/Event: Ⅴ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція FOSS Lviv 2015
Journal/Collection: Матеріали п’ятої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2015
Date de publication: 23-avr-2015
Date of entry: 9-jui-2016
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Львів
Ukraine, Lviv
Temporal Coverage: 23-26 квітня 2015 року
23-26 April 2015
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 125-126
Start page: 125
End page: 126
Résumé: A brief review of multiseat personal computers (ones, simultaneously used by several users due to additional input/output devices) is done including their advantages and disadvantages. The implementation of multiseat approach is analysed for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. Using Linux-based virtualization is proposed as the only way to get full-functional multiseat Windows environment.
ISBN: 978-966-2598-49-0
Content type: Article
Collection(s) :FOSS Lviv 2015

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