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Titolo: Выкарыстанне lvee engine ў працэсе падрыхтоўкі канферэнцый
Titoli alternativi: Використання lvee-рушія в процесі підготовки конференцій
Using the lvee engine in the process of preparation for conferences
Autori: Бароўскі, А. Ю.
Касцюк, Д. А.
Чабатароў, П. В.
Шадура, А. А.
Affiliation: Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe project, info@lvee.org
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Выкарыстанне lvee engine ў працэсе падрыхтоўкі канферэнцый / Бароўскі А. Ю., Касцюк Д. А., Чабатароў П. В., Шадура А. А. // FOSS Lviv 2014, 24-27 квітня 2014 року — Л., 2014 — С. 106-111.
Bibliographic description (International): Barouski A. Yu., Kastsiuk D. A., Chabatarou P. V., Shadura A. A. (2014) Vykorystannia lvee-rushiia v protsesi pidhotovky konferentsii. FOSS Lviv 2014 (Lviv, 24-27 April 2014), pp. 106-111 [in Belarusian].
Is part of: Матеріали четвертої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2014
Proceedings of the fourth international scientific and practical conference FOSS Lviv 2014
Conference/Event: Четверта міжнародна науково-практична конференція FOSS Lviv 2014
Journal/Collection: Матеріали четвертої міжнародної науково-практичної конференції FOSS Lviv 2014
Data: 24-apr-2014
Date of entry: 6-giu-2016
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Львів
Ukraine, Lviv
Temporal Coverage: 24-27 квітня 2014 року
24-27 April 2014
Number of pages: 6
Page range: 106-111
Start page: 106
End page: 111
Abstract: Project known as lvee engine was inspired by internal needs of the Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe conference, and is currently used by websites of two more international conferences. Beside providing tools to manage multilingual content, lvee engine is intended to simplify creation and announcing of events (conferences, seminars, etc.), registration and processing of participation requests, online creation and reviewing of abstracts. Project is based on Ruby on Rails and is licensed under the terms of GPL version 2.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16908
ISBN: 966-2598-31-5
URL for reference material: http://lvee.org/be/reports/abstract
References (Ukraine): 1. LVEE: афармленне тэзісаў. http://lvee.org/be/reports/abstract
2. Source tree of lvee engine. https://github.com/borovsky/lvee/
3. LVEE engine guide. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20LVEE%20engine%20guide
4. LVEE engine installation guide. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20LVEE%20engine%20installation%20guide
5. Content Editing howto. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20Content%20Editing%20howto
6. Макет друкаванага зборніка. https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-abstracts Pull request #1: https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-abstracts/pull-request/1/added-pynkin_shahov-winter/diff
7. Шаблоны для LaTeX. https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-texstyle
References (International): 1. LVEE: afarmlenne tezisau. http://lvee.org/be/reports/abstract
2. Source tree of lvee engine. https://github.com/borovsky/lvee/
3. LVEE engine guide. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20LVEE%20engine%20guide
4. LVEE engine installation guide. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20LVEE%20engine%20installation%20guide
5. Content Editing howto. http://lvee.org/ru/wiki_pages/%5Borg%5D%20Content%20Editing%20howto
6. Maket drukavanaha zbornika. https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-abstracts Pull request #1: https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-abstracts/pull-request/1/added-pynkin_shahov-winter/diff
7. Shablony dlia LaTeX. https://bitbucket.org/lvee_conference/lvee-texstyle
Content type: Article
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