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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Learning Objectчер-201720-чер-2017Guidelines for the industrial practical training of students of educational programs for the direction of 6.050102 "Computer engineering"Осухівська, Галина Михайлівна; Луцик, Надія Степанівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Customer Relationship Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object14-лип-201614-лип-2016Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Human Resource Management”Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Learning Object17-лис-201117-лис-2011Instrukcje do laboratorium z SK_czesc 1Карпінський, Микола Петрович
Learning Object18-лис-201118-лис-2011Inżynieria opr_Prezentacje_2000-2011Карпінський, Микола Петрович
Learning Object17-гру-200817-гру-2008Laboratory manual for the Concepts of Natural Phylosophy courseSkorenkyy, Yuriy; Скоренький, Юрій Любомирович
Learning Objectлют-200817-гру-2008Laboratory manual for the Physics course (for students of Computer Sciences)Skorenkyy, Yuriy; Скоренький, Юрій Любомирович
Learning Object26-січ-200926-січ-2009Laboratory manuals on electricity & magnetism course for Computer Sciences studentsSkorenkyy, Yuriy; Скоренький, Юрій Любомирович
Learning Object25-бер-201025-бер-2010Lecon 12Бібік, Руслан Кузьмич
Learning Object26-кві-201026-кві-2010LECON 14Бібік, Руслан Кузьмич
Learning Object13-тра-201013-тра-2010Lecon 15Бібік, Руслан Кузьмич
Learning Object26-кві-201026-кві-2010Lecon13Бібік, Руслан Кузьмич
Learning Object20158-лип-2016Lecture and workshop on discipline «Project analysis» for students of all learningСтрутинська, Ірина Володимирівна; Strutynska, Iryna
Learning Object31-сер-201631-сер-2016Lectures on the subject of «Lighting Devices»Костик, Любов Миколаївна
Learning Object201515-вер-2016Methodical recommendations on conducting the seminars on the course “History and culture of Ukraine” for students of training directions 6.060101 Construction, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 ManagementShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Щигельська, Галина Остапівна
Learning Object27-січ-201727-січ-2017Methodology and organization of scientific researches (guidelines for the study of discipline «Methodology and organization of scientific researches» (for the students of speciality “Management of organization and administration” 8.03060101)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Learning Object27-січ-201727-січ-2017Methodology and organization of scientific researches (supporting lecture notes for students of direction "Management" of all forms of education)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Learning Object20-лют-201830-тра-2018Problems of theory and practice of management (supporting lecture notes for students of direction 073 "Management" of all forms of education)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Learning Object12-лют-200912-лют-2009Problems on electricity and magnetism (module 1) for Computer Sciences studentsСкоренький, Юрій Любомирович; Skorenkyy, Yuriy
Learning Object23-чер-201623-чер-2016Study guide on the discipline “Accounting and audit” for students majoring in 6.030601 “Management” field of study (full-time bachelors study)Королюк, Тетяна Миколаївна