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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Articleлип-201925-лис-2019Main Aspects of Education Internationalization: Case of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, UkraineYasniy, Petro; Vitenko, Tetiana; Kramar, Iryna
Articleлис-20161-гру-2016Main Microbiological and Biological Properties of Microbial Associations of “Lactomyces tibeticus”.Вічко, Олена Іванівна; Кухтин, Микола Дмитрович; Беркевич, Ольга; Горюк, Юрій; Горюк, Володимир
Article20181-жов-2019Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingPalaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovych; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna
Article201829-бер-2018Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingShadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovich; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna; Palaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich
Article201829-бер-2018Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingPalaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich; Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovych; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna
Article201716-чер-2017Mainstreaming of information and communication technologies’ application as precondition for successful implementation of ukrainian micro-regions public projects: scientific approachPanukhnyk, Olena
Article23-чер-201623-чер-2016Mainstreaming of information and communication technologies’ application as precondition for successful implementation of ukrainian micro-regions public projects: scientific approachПанухник, Олена Віталіївна
Articleкві-20239-чер-2023Management of Ecological Land Destructions as a Basis for the Formation of Green MarketingMarynenko, Nataliia; Makarova, Viktoriia; Mykhailov, Andrii; Bezuhla, Liudmyla; Matviienko, Halyna
Article202324-гру-2023Management of enterprise competitive advantagesVankovych, Liubomyr
Article6-жов-201127-бер-2017Management of innovation at the enterprisesKlimova, J. E.; Astroyskaya, C. N.; Климова, Ю. Е.; Астровская, К. Н.
Article30-тра-20165-чер-2016Management strategies of the UKVeggeland, Noralv
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017MapReduce and its application in data clustering using Netflix movie dataАкокхіа, Еммануел; Млинко, Б. Б.; Akokhia, Emmanuel; Mlynko, B. B.
Article202215-гру-2022Marketing communication strategies of colleges and universities based on spatial and temporal distribution of studentsMarkovych, I; Danko, Yu; Artyukhov, A; Dluhopolska, T; Lingling, W
Article23-кві-201526-лют-2016Masterpieces of civil engineeringБаб’як, Д.; Babiak, D.
Article19-жов-202131-бер-2022Mathematical fundamentals of the method of identification of metal inclusions in raw materials with automatic determination of their coordinatesЗаміховський, Леонід Михайлович; Левицький, Іван Теодорович; Николайчук, Микола Ярославович; Стрілецький, Юрій Йосипович; Zamikhovskyi, Leonid; Levitskyi, Ivan; Nykolaychuk, Mykola; Striletskyi, Yuriy
Articleкві-201926-тра-2019Mathematical model of a dynamic process of transporting a bulk material by means of a tube scraping conveyorLyashuk, Оleh; Vovk, Yriy; Sokil, Bohdan; Klendii, Volodymyr; Ivasechko, Roman; Dovbush, Taras
Article20182-вер-2018Mathematical model of bending vibrations of a horizontal feeder-mixer along the flow of grain mixtureLyashuk, Oleh Leontiiovych; Sokil, Maria Bohdanivna; Klendiy, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Skyba, Olena Pavlivna; Tretiakov, Oleksandr Lvovych; Slobodian, Liubommyr Mykhailovych; Slobodian, natalia Oleksandrivna
Article27-жов-20177-лис-2017Mathematical model of boundary crack propagation at bending of symmetric thin-walled flanksХомик, Надія Ігорівна; Довбуш, Анатолій Дмитрович; Рубінець, Наталія Андріївна; Dovbush, Taras; Khomuk, Nadiy; Dovbush, Anatoliy; Rubinets, Natalia
Article22-гру-20201-кві-2021Mathematical model of dynamic processes during frictional hardening of the cylindrical surfaces of partsГурей, Володимир Ігорович; Кузьо, Ігор; Gurey, Volodymyr; Kuzio, Ihor
Article25-січ-202225-гру-2022Mathematical model of functioning of the screw conveyor loading hopperБарановський, Віктор Миколайович; Паньків, Віталій Романович; Комар, Роман Васильович; Береженко, Богдан Миколайович; Король, Олег Іванович; Baranovskyi, Viktor; Pankiv, Vitalii; Komar, Roman; Berezhenko, Bohdan; Korol, Oleg