Перегляд зібрання за групою - Типи вмісту Conference Abstract

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Результати від 195 до 214 із 10892 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract16-вер-201923-жов-2019Information Technology of Surveys and Diagnostics of Underground PipelinesDzhala, Roman; Dzhala, Vasyl’; Horon, Bohdan; Senyuk, Oleh; Verbenets’, Bohdan
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Innovative methods of foreign language training of specialistsРезніченко, А.; Reznichenko, A.
Conference Abstract27-чер-201924-гру-2019Institutional and innovative factors of intellectualization as the basis of competitiveness of the national economy of Ukraine in the conditions of global informatizationLykholat, Svitlana; Krykavskyy, Yevhen; Vasyltsiv, Taras; Yakymyshyn, Liliya
Conference Abstract29-тра-202425-чер-2024Integration of the Resurrection church into the electrical grid of the Kyiv Caves lavra (the early 20th centКізлова, А. А.; Kizlova, A.
Conference Abstract5-лис-202117-гру-2021Intelligent human resource management in the future competition of enterprisesRong, Mao; Kharchenko, Tetyana
Conference Abstract10-жов-201915-лис-2019Interaction model of nanoparticles with surface at their contactSkaptsov, Andrey; Скапцов, Андрей
Conference Abstract10-жов-201915-лис-2019Internal audit of the food safety system in the organizationSudareva, Olga; Сударева, Ольга
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Internet of thingsКивацький, І.; Kyvatskyi, I.
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Introduction of advanced technology in the processes of cutting tools manufacturingТаное, Езекіль; Tanoe, Ezekiel
Conference Abstract20-бер-202014-чер-2020Introduction of ecological audit for the formation of the regional ecotextile marketBerestetska, Olena
Conference Abstract18-лют-202130-тра-2021Introduction of technology of self-assessment of the corporation’s personnelYuryk, Nataiia; Sonnah, Kabba
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Investigation of 3D technologies in casting technology manufacturingСрінівасан, Дхарані Дхаран; Dharan, Srinivasan Dharani
Conference Abstract27-кві-20171-кві-2018Investigation of interference filter in optical design of laser location stationTistechko, M.; Martyniul-Lotochkyi, K. P.; Apunevych, S. V.; Апуневич, Софія Володимирівна
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Investigation of joining zinc-coated steel sheets by laser welding for automotive industryViňáš, Ján; Brezinová, Janette; Brezina, Jakub
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Investigation of machining parameters in the design of CNC technologiesДухаір, Юсіф; Duhair, Yousif
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Investigation of modern additive technologies of foundry equipment manufacturingОмосебі, Шадрак Ореофе; Shadrack, Omosebi Oreofe
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Investigation of the process variables in the high-speed machining of work piecesАхмед, Хассан; Ahmed, Hassan
Conference Abstract28-тра-20199-лип-2019Investigation of tram movement indicators in general structure of traffic flowRoyko, Yurii; Bura, Romana; Kindrat, Vasyl
Conference Abstract27-лис-20192-бер-2020IT and Big Data as tools of prediction natural disasters and quickly spread informationКовальчик, І. П.; Драга, В. В.; Фірман, В. М.; Kovalchyk, I. P.; Draga, V. V.; Firman, V. M.
Conference Abstract31-бер-202017-кві-2020It outsourcing contribution to the Ukraine’s economyMarynenko, Nataliia; Kramar, Iryna; Tsikh, Halyna