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Title: The impact of the kinematic parameters of bounce and pitch motions of sprung mass on wheeled vehicles handling
Authors: Lyashuk, Oleg Leontiyovych
Ляшук, Олег Леонтійович
Sokil, Maria
Сокіл, Марія
Vovk, Yuriy Yaroslavovych
Вовк, Юрій Ярославович
Tson, Oleg Petrovych
Цьонь, Олег Петрович
Dzyura, Volodymyr Oleksiyovych
Дзюра, Володимир Олексійович
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Lyashuk, О., Sokil, M., Vovk, Y., Tson, O., Dzyura, V. The impact of the kinematic parameters of bounce and pitch motions of sprung mass on wheeled vehicles handling. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 2017, 97, 81-91. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20858/sjsutst.2017.97.8.
Bibliographic description (International): Lyashuk, О., Sokil, M., Vovk, Y., Tson, O., Dzyura, V. The impact of the kinematic parameters of bounce and pitch motions of sprung mass on wheeled vehicles handling. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 2017, 97, 81-91. ISSN: 0209-3324. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20858/sjsutst.2017.97.8.
Issue Date: 2017
Date of entry: 7-五月-2018
Publisher: Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport
Country (code): PL
Keywords: wheeled vehicles handling
directive wheels
steering angle
Page range: 81-91
Series/Report no.: 97;8
Abstract: The impact of the kinematic parameters of bounce and pitch motions of wheeled vehicles’ (WVs’) sprung mass (SM) with non-linear power characteristics of the cushion system on vehicles handling is studied. The dependence of the critical value of the dynamic steering angle of directive wheels on the amplitude of bounce and pitch motions and the kinematic parameters of motion is developed. It is proven that the limit value of the dynamic steering angle of directive wheels is reduced during acceleration, and vice versa (it increases during braking, while the bounce and pitch motions are significantly reduced).
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/24780
ISSN: 0209-3324
URL for reference material: http://sjsutst.polsl.pl/archives/2017/vol97/081_SJSUTST97_2017_Lyashuk_Sokil_Vovk_Tson_Dzyura.pdf
Content type: Article
�蝷箔����:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри транспортних технологій та механіки

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