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Результати від 274 до 293 із 18988 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article21-бер-20235-лип-2023Determination of the characteristic function of discrete-time conditional linear random process and its applicationФриз, Михайло Євгенович; Млинко, Богдана Богданівна; Fryz, Mykhailo; Mlynko, Bogdana
Article20182-вер-2018Determination of the parameters of transporting and mixing feed mixtures along the curvilinear paths of tubular conveyorsHevko, Roman Bohdanovych; Liubin, Mykola Volodymyrovych; Tokarchuk, Oleksii Anatoliiovych; Lyashuk, Oleh Leontiiovych; Pohrishchuk, Borys Vasyliovych; Klendii, Oleksandra Mykolaivna
Article7-чер-202218-чер-2022Determination of the pattern of dust and air flow movement in vortex mechanismКаспрук, Володимир Богданович; Балабан, Степан Миколайович; Ярош, Ярослав Миколайович; Volodymyr, Kaspruk; Stepan, Balaban; Yaroslav, Yarosh
Article15-тра-202023-тра-2020Determination of the Place Depressurization of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring of Oil and Gas EnterprisesYuzevych, Volodymyr; Horbonos, Fedir; Rogalskyi, Roman; Yemchenko, Iryna; Yasinskyi, Mykhailo
Articleгру-201914-гру-2019Determination of the Rational Composition of the Additive to Oil with the Use of the Katerynivka Friction Geo ModifierAulin, Viktor; Lyashuk, Oleg Leontiyovych; Hrynkiv, Andrii; Lysenko, Sergii; Zamota, Taras; Vovk, Yuriy Yaroslavovych; Pankov, Andrii; Tykhyi, Andrii; Horkunenko, Andriy; Вовк, Юрій Ярославович; Ляшук, Олег Леонтійович
Article20-бер-201818-тра-2018Determination of the structural steels damage kinetics under non-stationary loadingНовіков, Андрій Ігорович; Булах, Павло Олександрович; Бялонович, Андрій Володимирович; Novikov, Andrii; Bulakh, Pavlo; Byalonovich, Andrey
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017Development and implentation of a business process modeling case study of a planning, monitoring and evaluation department of an organizationБандзоукасса, Ісіс Евангеліне; Млинко, Б. Б.; Bandzoukassa, Isis Evangeline; Mlynko, B. B.
Article18-вер-202023-гру-2020Development and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratoryОробчук, Богдан Ярославович; Коваль, Вадим Петрович; Orobchuk, Bogdan; Koval, Vadym
Article201714-тра-2018Development of a mechanism of strengthening the competitive position of domestic enterprises and institutional formations in global economies convergence conditionsMarkovych, Iryna
Article201816-лип-2018Development of a pneumatic screw conveyor design and substantiation of its parametersHevko, Roman Bohdanovych; Strishenets, Olena Mykolaivna; Lyashuk, Oleh Leontiyovych; Tkachenko, Ihor Gryhorovych; Klendii, Oleksandra Mykolaivna; Dzyura, Volodymyr Oleksiyovych
Articleкві-202114-тра-2021Development of a simulation model of a photoplethysmographic signal under psychoemotional stressЯворська, Євгенія Богданівна; Стрембіцька, Оксана Іванівна; Стрембіцький, Михайло Олексійович; Паньків, Ірина Михайлівна
Article19-жов-202131-бер-2022Development of a web resource for safe job search in a Covid-19 pandemic andrii boichuk, taras styslo, serhii vashchyshak, petro ostafiichukБойчук, Андрій Михайлович; Стисло, Тарас Романович; Ващишак, Сергій Петрович; Остафійчук, Петро Георгійович; Boichuk, Andrii; Styslo, Taras; Vashchyshak, Serhii; Ostafiichuk, Petro
Article12-чер-202421-сер-2024Development of an algorithm for identification of damage types on the surface of sheet metalPalianytsia, Y; Lytvynenko, I; Menoub, A; Shymchuk, H; Dubchak, A
Article19-гру-202321-січ-2024Development of an educational laboratory stand at the base fast-acting automatic reserve inputОробчук, Богдан Ярославович; Бабюк, Сергій Миколайович; Буняк, Олег Андронікович; Сисак, Іван Михайлович; Костик, Любов Миколаївна; Наконечний, Мирослав Степанович; Філюк, Ярослав Олександрович; Orobchuk, Bogdan; Babiuk, Serhii; Buniak, Oleh; Sysak, Ivan; Kostyk, Liubov; Nakonechniy, Myroslav; Filiuk, Yaroslav
Article1-гру-201716-гру-2017Development of enterprises of restaurant industry based on marketing principlesPoltavska, Oksana
Article19-кві-201211-бер-2016Development of food industry in UkraineБосак, А.
Article8-жов-201521-гру-2015Development of instrumental analytical approaches based on the principles of biosensorics for control of quality of milk and milk productsStarodub, Nickolaj F.; Ruban, Julia; Taran, Marina V.; Shpyrka, N.; Witer, R.
Articleгру-20198-сер-2020Development of IT outsourcing in Ukraine: a prospect of the brain drain reductionMarynenko, Nataliia; Tsikh, Halyna; Kramar, Iryna
Articleжов-201915-гру-2019Development of Model for Assessing the Level of Multipurpose Water Use and Protection by Economic-Mathematical ModelingRohatynskyi, Roman; Garmatiy, Natalia; Humeniuk, Halyna; Marynenko, Nataliia
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017Development of program module placed on multi-layer concept in MatlabІшола, Адеєє Нафіу; Млинко, Б. Б.; Ishola, Adeyeye Nafiu; Mlynko, B. B.