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dc.contributor.advisorDozorska, Oksana-
dc.contributor.advisorДозорська, Оксана Федорівна-
dc.contributor.authorMildred, Dhlamini-
dc.contributor.authorМілдред, Дхламіні-
dc.identifier.citationDhlamini Mildred. High-voltage power source of a medical ozone generator : work on obtaining a bachelor's qualification degree : speciality 163 Biomedical engineering / scientific supervisor O.F. Dozorska. Ternopil : Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 2024. 58 c.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe qualification work reviewed the main stages of the life cycle of a high- voltage power source of a medical ozone generator. The analysis of the technical task was carried out, the construction of the source was carried out, namely the structural, functional scheme, electrical principle scheme. Parametric synthesis, selection of the element base was carried out. Calculations of operational reliability have been carried out. The section on labor protection has been completed.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ кваліфікаційній роботі розглянуто основні етапи життєвого циклу джерела живлення високої напруги медичного озоногенератора. Проведено аналіз технічного завдання, виконано конструкцію джерела, а саме структурну, функціональну схему, електричну принципову схему. Проведено параметричний синтез, підбір елементної бази. Проведено розрахунки експлуатаційної надійності. Виконано розділ з охорони праці.uk_UA
dc.description.tableofcontentsINTRODUCTION 1 MAIN PART 1.1 Production of ozone for medical purposes 1.2 Principles of operation of ozone generators 1.3 Structure of ozone generators 1.4 Reliability and safety of operation of ozonators 1.5 Analysis of the technical task 1.6 Construction of a high-voltage power source 1.6.1 Construction a mathematical model 1.6.2 Construction a structural diagram 1.6.3 Analysis of existing methods of solving the problem. Construction of the functional circuit of the power source 1.6.4 Development and description of the electrical principle diagram 1.6.5 Parametric synthesis 1.6.6 Calculation of tolerances for nominal values of element parameters 1.7 Power supply design 1.7.1 Selection of element base 1.7.2 Development of a printed circuit board and a printed unit 1.7.3 Calculation of the reliability of the power supply board 2. LABOR PROTECTION 2.1 Planning of labor protection measures 2.2. Medical care for shock CONCLUSIONS LIST OF USED SOURCES APPLICATIONSuk_UA
dc.publisherТернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюяuk_UA
dc.titleHigh-voltage power source of a medical ozone generatoruk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВисоковольтне джерело живлення медичного генератора озонуuk_UA
dc.typeBachelor Thesisuk_UA
dc.rights.holder© Dhlamini Mildred, 2024uk_UA
dc.contributor.committeeMemberПаляниця, Юрій Богданович-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberPalaniza, Yurii-
dc.coverage.placenameТернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, кафедра біотехнічних системuk_UA
dc.relation.references1. Hill, L.; Flack, M. (28 December 1911). "The Physiological Influence of Ozone". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 84 (573): 404– 415.uk_UA
dc.relation.references2. Stoker, George (1916). "The Surgical Uses of Ozone". Lancet. 188 (4860): 712.uk_UA
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dc.relation.references5. Matsumi, Yutaka; Kawasaki, Masahiro (2003). "Photolysis of Atmospheric Ozone in the Ultraviolet Region". Chemical Reviews. 103 (12): 4767–82.uk_UA
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dc.relation.references7. Dohan, J. M.; W. J. Masschelein (1987). "Photochemical Generation of Ozone: Present State-of-the-Art". Ozone Sci. Eng. 9 (4): 315–334.uk_UA
dc.relation.references8. Siemens, Werner (1857). "About the electrostatic induction and the delay of the current in bottle wires". Annals of Physics. 178 (9): 66.uk_UA
dc.relation.references9. Basso, Christophe (2008), Switch-Mode Power Supplies: SPICE Simulations and Practical Designs, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07-150858-2uk_UA
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dc.relation.references12. Maniktala, Sanjaya (2004), Switching Power Supply Design and Optimization, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-143483-6uk_UA
dc.relation.references13. Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill (1989), The Art of Electronics (Second ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-37095-0uk_UA
dc.relation.references14. Electrical circuit theory and technology / John Bird. — 5th edition – Routledge, 2014. – 782 p. – ISBN: 978-0-415-66286-4 (pbk)uk_UA
dc.relation.references15. Electrical circuit theory and technology / John Bird. — 2th edition – Routledge, 2001. – 1005 p. – ISBN 0 7506 5784 7uk_UA
dc.relation.references16. Theory and design of electronic circuits / Eugenio Maximo Tait. – 493 p.uk_UA
dc.relation.references17. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits / Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku. — 5th edition – Connect Learn Succeed, 2013. – 458 p.uk_UA
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dc.contributor.affiliationTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraineuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationТернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюяuk_UA
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