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Назва: Chapter 36. Interrelation of Multimedia Simulation of Images of Elements with the State of Meridians and the Quality of Adaptation of the Vascular Hemodynamic Factor Based on the Results of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Recorded during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information System
Інші назви: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Автори: Vakulenko, Dmytro
Vakulenko, Liudmyla
Hevko, Olena
Kadobnyj, Taras
Приналежність: I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine
Pulyu Ternopil National Technical University
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис: Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System, Edited by D.V. Vakulenko, L.O. Vakulenko (eds.) – Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA., 2023. – 1100 p. Electronic Edition https://novapublishers.com/shop/arterial-oscillography-new-capabilities-of-the-blood-pressure-monitor-with-the-oranta-ao-information-system/
Bibliographic description: Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System, Edited by D.V. Vakulenko, L.O. Vakulenko (eds.) – Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA., 2023. – 1100 p. Electronic Edition https://novapublishers.com/shop/arterial-oscillography-new-capabilities-of-the-blood-pressure-monitor-with-the-oranta-ao-information-system/
Журнал/збірник: Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System
Дата публікації: 20-тра-2024
Дата подання: 2023
Дата внесення: 12-чер-2024
Видавництво: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA
Країна (код): US
Місце видання, проведення: New York, Nova Science Publishers
Теми: Medical Devices, Medicine & Health, Medicine and Health, New Developments in Medical Research
arterial pressure measurement, Zhong Yuan Qigong, health, post-traumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation, telehealth, heart, vessels, autonomic nervous system, Information system Oranta-AO
Діапазон сторінок: 565-586
Короткий огляд (реферат): Introduction: The concept of integrative medicine is a combination of Western medicine and natural medicine, including Eastern medicine. Accordingly, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is becoming increasingly widespread in the world as an alternative. Objective. The purpose of our study was to determine the interdependence between organs when they are exposed to the five elements. Hypothetically, the element of “Water” was identified with a video image of a stream flowing, “Fire” with a video image of flames burning, and “Metal” with a video image of bells sounding. Materials and Methods: During the study, a group of seventy practically healthy people was examined. The study were divided into four groups. The first group included indicators taken at rest (baseline), without any external influences. The second group included indicators taken after a five-minute video clip of water flowing in a stream, which was identified with the element of Water, the third group included flames in a fireplace, which was identified with the element of Fire, and the fourth group included bells ringing, which was identified with the element of Metal. Results: Visual analysis of oscillograms. In the oscillogram registered before the experiment, at the beginning of the oscillogram, there is a large number of small oscillations, which disappear after listening to the musical composition “Water” for 2 minutes. This tendency was observed in all the identified cases. The figure shows the Fourier transform decomposition of arterial oscillograms of patient B (21 years old), before and after listening to an audiovisual composition with a recording of water flowing in a stream for 2 minutes. Are shows that the main frequency spectrum that was sensitive to listening to a musical composition with a recording of water flowing in a stream for 2 minutes ranged from 6 to 14 Hz (Alpha and Theta rhythms). Summarizing the results of the influence of the factors noted above made it possible to conclude that the reaction of the cardiovascular system, even in the case of a relatively similar initial state and the influence of the same factors, is not unambiguous, which objectively confirms the need for further research. Conclusions: The element of Metal (watching the video clip of the Bell) affected the meridians LI, LV, PC, which are inherent in the corresponding elements of Metal, Fire and Wood. This influence also caused negative changes in the indicators M1, M2, M3, M4, M6, M7. However, there was no effect on Water. As a result, 100 variants of decision trees were built. In each of them, an algorithm for differentiating the states of patients in the initial state and after viewing three multimedia compositions (“Water,” “Fire,” “Metal”) is proposed. The presence of a group of indicators with strong correlations and cases of significant correlation recorded synchronously in ECG and AOG confirms the validity of the indicators proposed for AOG analysis and their interpretation. This enables the validation of the proposed methods for AOG analysis by the authors.
Зміст: Chapter 36. Interrelation of Multimedia Simulation of Images of Elements with the State of Meridians and the Quality of Adaptation of the Vascular Hemodynamic Factor Based on the Results of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Recorded during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information System
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/45203
ISBN: 979-8-89113-539-0
URL-посилання пов’язаного матеріалу: https://novapublishers.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Arterial-Oscillography-Ch36.pdf
Перелік літератури: Kifer, V., Zagorodna, N., Hevko, O. Atrial fibrillation detection on electrocardiograms with convolutional neural networks. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W. Gospodarce I. 69-73. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.116
Vakulenko D. V., Martseniuk V. P., Vakulenko L. O., Selskyy P. R., Kutakova O. V., Gevko O. V., Kadobnyj T. B. Cardiovascular system adaptability to exercise according to morphological, temporal, spectral and correlation analysis of oscillograms. Fam Med Prim Care Rev 21(3): 2019, 253–263. https://www.termedia.pl/Cardiovascular-system-adaptability-to-exercise-according-to-morphologicaltemporal-spectral-and-correlation-analysis-of-oscillograms,95,37867,0,1.html
References: Vakulenko D. V., Martseniuk V. P., Vakulenko L. O., Selskyy P. R., Kutakova O. V., Gevko O. V., Kadobnyj T. B. Cardiovascular system adaptability to exercise according to morphological, temporal, spectral and correlation analysis of oscillograms. Fam Med Prim Care Rev 21(3): 2019, 253–263. https://www.termedia.pl/Cardiovascular-system-adaptability-to-exercise-according-to-morphologicaltemporal-spectral-and-correlation-analysis-of-oscillograms,95,37867,0,1.html
Kifer, V., Zagorodna, N., Hevko, O. Atrial fibrillation detection on electrocardiograms with convolutional neural networks. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W. Gospodarce I. 69-73. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.116
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L. Sas L., Gevko O. Effectiveness application of the analysis of arterial pulsations registered during blood pressure measurement using the Oranta-AO information system in psychophysiology In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 26.
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L., Gevko O.Prospect of creating a virtual reality system with feedback for the correction of the patient's psychological state based on the results of the analysis of arterial pulsations registered during blood pressure measurement using the Oranta-AO information system In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 37.
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L., Gevko O. Systematic and Analytical Substantiation of the Use of Multimedia Environment for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Various Diseases in Information system Oranta-AO In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 38.
Тип вмісту: Monograph
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри біотехнічних систем

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