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dc.contributor.authorРадинський, Сергій-
dc.contributor.authorInna Sysoieva-
dc.contributor.authorAndriy Pukas-
dc.contributor.authorZoriana Pushkar-
dc.contributor.authorSerghiy Radynskyy-
dc.contributor.authorNadiia Yushchenko-
dc.contributor.authorOleh Vatslavskyi-
dc.identifier.citationInna Sysoieva, Andriy Pukas, Zoriana Pushkar, Serghiy Radynskyy, Nadiia Yushchenko, Oleh Vatslavskyi (2022) Information Support of Social Audit. 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (Spišski Kapitula, 26-28 September 2022), pp. 255-260.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe process of decision making based on analytical information in social audit is described in this paper. Possibility of data-driven models using during decision making on different levels of management is considered. Analysis of the mechanisms of formation and use of information support provides an opportunity to optimize the processes of collection, processing, storage and use of information in various areas, in particular in social audit. To improve the order of formation of information support of social audit, information requests at different levels of government are analyzed: global; macro levels; meso levels; micro level, which includes strategic, tactical and operational sublevels. The conceptual model of information support of social audit developed on this basis, with the description of its tasks, functions, components and the order of formation of information base, provides reception of the full and reliable information necessary for acceptance of the corresponding administrative decisions of a social directionuk_UA
dc.titleInformation Support of Social Audituk_UA
dc.coverage.placename12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2022, 2022, pp. 255–260uk_UA
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dc.contributor.affiliationWest Ukrainian National University Ternopil, Ukraine-
dc.contributor.affiliationWest Ukrainian National University Ternopil, Ukraine-
dc.contributor.affiliationWest Ukrainian National University Ternopil, Ukraine-
dc.contributor.affiliationTernopil Ivan Pului National Technical University-
dc.contributor.affiliationTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Kyiv, Ukraine-
dc.contributor.affiliationWest Ukrainian National University Ternopil, Ukraine-
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