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dc.contributor.authorMarchenko, B.G.-
dc.contributor.authorTkachuk, Roman Andriyovych-
dc.contributor.authorPalamar, Mykhaylo Ivanovych-
dc.identifier.citationMarchenko B.G. Computing measuring system for biopotentials of visual analiger investigation / B.G. Marchenko , R. A. Tkachuk , M.I. Palamar. - // International conference instrumentation in ecology and human safety, 30 October - 2 November 1996. - St.Petersburg. - С. - 114 - 115.(ISA St.Petersburg Russion Section).uk_UA
dc.format.extent114 - 115-
dc.publisherTeгnоpіl Equipmanimaking institutuk_UA
dc.titleComputing measuring system for biopotentials of visual analiger investigationuk_UA
dc.rights.holder© Marchenko B.G., Tkachuk R. A., Palamar M.I.,1996uk_UA
dc.relation.referencesen1. D. Hubei. Eye, brain and vision. - М.: Mir , 1990. - 239 p.uk_UA
dc.relation.referencesen2. R.A.Tkachuk, M .I.Palamar. Adaptive computing raeasure-control system for eie biopotentials investigation. // report in 3 intern, konf. "Control and check in the technical system”. - Winnyca, 18- 21.09.95., p.335-336.uk_UA
dc.relation.referencesen3. B.G. Marchenko. Method of stochastic integral representations and its applications in radioelectronics.- Kyiv: Naukova Dumka Publishers, 1973.-192 pp.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationenMarchenko B.G. Computing measuring system for biopotentials of visual analiger investigation / B.G. Marchenko , R. A. Tkachuk , M.I. Palamar. - // International conference instrumentation in ecology and human safety, 30 October - 2 November 1996. - St.Petersburg. - С. - 114 - 115.(ISA St.Petersburg Russion Section).uk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationTeгnоpіl Equipmanimaking institutuk_UA
dc.citation.conferenceInternational conference instrumentation in ecology and human safety-
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