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Title: Modeling of discontinuous deformation in Al-6%Mg alloy
Authors: Федак, Сергій Ігнатович
Ясній, Петро Володимирович
Гладьо, Володимир Богданович
Шульган, Ігор Володимирович
Lapusta, Y.
Affiliation: ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): We describe a procedure for modeling the structural inhomogeneity of a material by the finite element method. We consider the material as a composite consisting of an elastoplastic matrix and brittle inclusions (dispersoids). The finite element model is based on experimental data on the concentration of inclusions and their geometrical sizes. The proposed finite element model describes well the discontinuous deformation of Al-6%Mg alloy.
Conference/Event: 18th European Conference on Fracture
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2010
Date of entry: 6-Jun-2017
Country (code): DE
Place of the edition/event: Dresden
Keywords: Modeling of heterogeneous structure, finite element method, discontinuous deformation.
Number of pages: 8
Abstract: We describe a procedure for modeling the structural inhomogeneity of a material by the finite element method. We consider the material as a composite consisting of an elastoplastic matrix and brittle inclusions (dispersoids). The finite element model is based on experimental data on the concentration of inclusions and their geometrical sizes. The proposed finite element model describes well the discontinuous deformation of Al-6%Mg alloy.
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Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукова діяльність Яснія П. В.
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