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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Articleгру-20215-січ-2022Influence of military actions in the Eastern Ukraine on formation of value orientations of student youthПотіха, Оксана Богданівна
Article6-чер-202215-жов-2022Educational Crisis in the Modern Information and Digital Society Against the Backdrop of Russian Armed AggressionShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Kozinchuk, Vitalii; Nikolaieva, Tetiana; Pryshchepa (Sheheda), Olena; Maksymenko, Yurii
Articleсер-202222-сер-2022Education and science of Ukraine in the realities of large-scale military aggression and global challenges of the 21st centuryZinchenko, Viktoriia; Kaidanovska, Olena; Boyko, Angela; Potikha, Oksana; Chaika, Svitlana
Articleкві-202228-гру-2022Fronestical approach to the formation of professional responsibility of future specialists of technical specialties: monitoring by means of information and communication technologies.-
Article26-тра-20233-лип-2023Political and legal ideas in German classical philosophyMorska, Nataliia; Poperechna, Galyna; Petryshyn, Halyna; Yatyshchuk, Anastasiia; Chop, Tamara
Article14-лип-202319-жов-2023Information Society: Educational Trends and Technical Aspects of Formation (EU Experience)Saienko, Volodymyr; Zabiiaka, Iryna; Potikha, Oksana; Riabinina, Olena; Mykhaliuk, Alla
Articleлис-202326-бер-2024Methods and Means of Automatic Statistical Assessment of Information Measuring SystemsDubynyak, Taras; Dmytrotsa, Lesia; Yavorska, Myroslava; Shostakivska, Nadia; Manziy, Oleksandra