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DC eremuaBalioaHizkuntza
dc.contributor.authorPulka, Ch.V.-
dc.contributor.authorShably, O.N.-
dc.contributor.authorBaranovsky, V.N.-
dc.contributor.authorSenchishin, V.S.-
dc.contributor.authorGavrilyuk, V.Ya.-
dc.contributor.authorПулька, Чеслав Вікторович-
dc.contributor.authorШаблій, Олег Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorБарановський, Віктор Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorСенчишин, Віктор Степанович-
dc.contributor.authorГаврилюк, Володимир Ярославович-
dc.identifier.citationCh.V. Pulka O.N. Shably V.N. Baranovsky V.S. Senchishin and V.Ya. Gavrilyuk. Ways of updating the technology of induction surfacing of thin steel discs. The Paton Welding Journal. 5-6/2015.
dc.description.abstractConsidered are existing technological schemes of induction surfacing of operating elements of agriculture machines. The best results are provided by continuous induction surfacing using double-loop circular inductor, heat and electromagnetic shields, horizontal vibration and rotation of part being surfaced. Ap­plication of developed technological schemes and equipment for induction surfacing of thin disks allows increasing productivity, saving electric energy, improving microstructure, increasing wear resistance and stability of thickness of deposited layer as well as reducing residual stresses and deformations of disks. 16 Ref., 6
dc.relation.ispartofThe Paton Welding Journal-
dc.relation.ispartofАвтоматическая сварка-
dc.subjectinduction surfacinguk
dc.subjectsurfacing consu­mablesuk
dc.subjectsurfacing technologyuk
dc.subjectdouble-loop inductoruk
dc.subjectheat and electromagnetic shielduk
dc.titleWays of updating the technology of induction surfacing of thin steel discsuk
dc.title.alternativeПути совершенствования технологии индукционной наплавки тонких дисковuk
dc.title.alternativeШляхи вдосконалення технології індукційного наплавлення тонких дисківuk
dc.relation.references1. Tkachev, V.N. (1971) Wear and increase in service life of agricultural machine parts. Moscow:
dc.relation.references2. Ryabtsev, I.A., Senchenkov, I.K. (2013) Theory and practice of surfacing works. Kiev:
dc.relation.references3. Pulka, Ch.V. (2006) Technological and energy efficiency of induction surfacing of thin steel discs: Syn. of Thesis for Dr. of Techn. Sci. Degree.
dc.relation.references4. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Budzan, B.P. (1987) Optimization of power inputs in induction surfacing of thin-wall discs. Avtomatich. Svarka, 1,
dc.relation.references5. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Budzan, B.P. (1988) Ways of energy saving in induction surfacing of thin-wall discs. Ib id., 12,
dc.relation.references6. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. (1997) Optimization of inductor design parameters for induction surfacing of thin steel discs. Ib id., 6,
dc.relation.references7. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. (2002) Optimization of inductor parameters for uniform heating of discs across the width of hardfacing zone allowing for screening. The Paton Welding J., 11,
dc.relation.references8. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. (2003) Optimization of induction hardfacing of thin discs allowing for thermal and electrom agnetic shielding. Ib id., 9,
dc.relation.references9. Pulka, Ch.V., Shably, O.N., Pismenny, A.S. (2004) Effect of induction surfacing conditions on structure and properties of deposited metal. Ib id., 10,
dc.relation.references10. Pulka, Ch.V., Shably, O.N., Senchishin, V.S. et al. (2012) Influence of vibration of parts on structure and properties of metal in surfacing. Ib id., 1,
dc.relation.references11. Pulka, Ch.V., Senchishin, V.S., Gavrilyuk, V.Ya. et al. (2013) Influence of technological schematics of induction surfacing on stability of deposited layer thickness. Ib id., 4,
dc.relation.references12. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. et al. (1999) Residual displacements of thin steel discs in induction surfacing with wear-resistant powder-like hard alloys. Avtomatich. Svarka , 9,
dc.relation.references13. Shably, O.M., Mykhajlyshyn, M.S., Mykhajlyshyn, V.M. et al. (1998) Mathematical modeling of formation of residual stresses, strains and displacements in induction surfacing of thin steel discs. Visnyk Ternopil DTU, 3 (4),
dc.relation.references14. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V. (1994) Technology and equipment for induction surfacing of thin shaped discs. Avtomatich. Svarka, 5/6,
dc.relation.references15. Pulka, Ch.V., Gavrilyuk, V.Ya., Senchishin, V.S. (2013) Improvement or equipment and technology for induction surfacing. Svarochn. Proizvodstvo, 4,
dc.relation.references16. Pulka, Ch.V., Gavrylyuk, V.Y., Senchyshyn, V.S. et al. Automatic production line for surfacing of thin discs. Pat. 94727 UA. Int. Cl. B23K 13/00. Publ.
dc.contributor.affiliationTernopol Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 56 Russkaya Str., 46011, Ternopol, Ukraine. E-mail: v_gavryliuk@
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