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Результати від 53 до 72 із 614 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article19979-бер-2021Harmonic analysis using in human visual system diagnosnics by means of elektroretinograms identificationMarchenko, Boris G.; Tkachuk, Roman A.; Palamar, Michail I.
Monograph20184-бер-2019Increase of the efficiency of companies functioning by means of claster structures creationРогатинський, Роман Михайлович; Гарматій, Наталія Михайлівна; Химич, Ірина Григорівна
Articleчер-20212-лип-2021Industry 4.0 Versus agriculture. Development perspectives of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova by assimilating digital technologiesPerciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli; Shveda, Nataliia
Article19-вер-201618-тра-2017Information support of computer measuring experiments in evaluating of the noise processes characteristicsMartyniuk, G. V.; Scherbak, L. M.; Fryz, M. E.
Article20181-січ-2020Informational aspects of the haptic stimulation by the light for correction of the human functional stateYavorskyy, Bohdan; Bachynskyy, Mychaylo
Article20245-січ-2024Informatsiini tekhnolohii yak zasib optymizatsii diialnosti pidpryiemstvDemydiuk, P. V.
Article202221-гру-2022Innovative Approaches to Determining the Monopolitisation Level of Regional Primary Residential Real Estate Markets of UkrainePavlova, Olena; Pavlov, Kostiantyn; Panukhnyk, Olena; Ilyin, Leonid; Apostolyuk, Oksana; Popadynets, Nazariy
Article202323-гру-2023Innovative strategies of enterprisesDalyk, Volodymyr
Article201612-вер-2016Interaction of economic security system for small business enterprises with the environmentСороківська, Олена Анатоліївна
Thesis201011-кві-2014Invariance Principles and System Analysis of Realization of Physical Laws Symmetry for Contemporary Signal EnergodynamicsYavorskyi, Bohdan; Sicora, Lubomyr; Medykovskyi, Mykols; Dragan, Yaroslav; Яворський, Богдан Іванович; Сікора, Любомир Степанович; Драґан, Ярослав Петрович
Article200919-січ-2020Invariance principles and systems analysis of realization of physical laws symmetry for conteporary signal energodynamics.Dragan, Y.; Medykovskyi, M.; Sikora, L.; Yavorskyi, B.
Articleбер-202116-чер-2021Investigation of internal efforts in the components of the crop sprayer boom sectionHevko, Roman; Stashkiv, Mykola; Lyashuk, Oleg; Vovk, Yuriy; Oleksyuk, Vasyl; Tson, Oleg; Bortnyk, Igor
Article20243-січ-2024Klasyfikatsiia vytrat pidpryiemstva yak instrument upravlinniaChorniy, B. I.
Article199526-лют-2021Komputera aparato por frua diagnostiko de okulaj malsanoj (Retinograf - 01)Tkachuk, Roman
Article202324-гру-2023Management of enterprise competitive advantagesVankovych, Liubomyr
Article22-лис-20227-гру-2023Mathematical modeling of diffusion transfer for charged particles in the layered composite mediumБалабан, Степан Миколайович; Petryk, Oksana; Boyko, Igor; Stoianov, Yurii; Balaban, Stepan; Nestor, Julia
Article201629-чер-2016Mathematical modelling of the separation of suspension process on the filter with selt-purifier filter elementШинкарик, Марія Миколаївна; Кравець, Олег Ігорович
Articleбер-20162-вер-2016Mathematical modelling of the separation of suspension process on the filter with selt-purifier filter elementШинкарик, Марія Миколаївна; Кравець, Олег Ігорович
Articleкві-202128-гру-2021Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization ProcessesIrtyshcheva, Inna; Kramarenko, Iryna; Vasyltsiv, Taras; Boiko, Yevheniya; Panukhnyk, Olena; Hryshyna, Nataliya; Hrafska, Oryslava; Ishchenko, Olena; Tubaltseva, Nataliya; Sirenko, Ihor; Popadynets, Nazariy; Hryhoruk, Iryna