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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Bachelor Thesis11-лип-202314-лип-2023Financial security management of an enterprise under crisis conditions, (LLC «Lviv Confectionery Factory «SVITOCH» as a case study)Adjei, Akosua Kaziah; Аджей, Казіях Акосуа Ампомах
Handbook201724-чер-2018Guide on internship for full-time study bachelors majoring in specialism “Management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Master Thesis20-гру-202031-гру-2020Management of innovative projects of the enterprise (on the example of Amazon.com)Kwarteng, Enoch Mckeown
Articleлис-202122-лип-2022Peculiarities of IKEA management in the world and in UkraineYuzyk, Mariia; Юзик, Марія
Master Thesis21-гру-202027-гру-2020Research the self-management system at the Confectionery Corporation ROSHENКабба, Соннаг; Kabba, Sonnah
Master Thesis20-січ-202431-бер-2024Researching the directions to improve the production resources use of the enterprise (farm “Viktoriya-92” as a case)Uhegbu Chiagoziwom Precious
Master Thesis11-лип-202317-лип-2023Strategic approach to the management of healthcare facility (based on “Ain Shams Hospitals” case study)Abdelgawwad, Ahmed Salem Mohammed; Абдельгаввад, Ахмед Салем Мохаммед
Master Thesis20-гру-202112-січ-2022The mechanism of attracting foreign investments for the developments of innovative activity (The Coca-cola Company as a case study)Ikeahvu Favour Kelechi
Master Thesis20-гру-20202-січ-2021Trends of enterprise quality management system improvement based on innovations (LLC “Сorporation VATRA” as a case study)Ekayawhe, Djoshua Oghenegare
Article24-кві-20146-бер-2016Антикризовий менеджмент як засіб запобігання кризиБойчук, М.; Boychuk, M.