Browsing by Author Tymkiv, Pavlo

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
TypeIssue DateDate of entryTitleAuthor(s)
Article16-Apr-201915-Aug-2019Adaptation of the neyman-pearson criteria for assessing the reliability of the choice of the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignalТимків, Павло Олександрович; Tymkiv, Pavlo
Conference Abstract15-Dec-202128-Dec-2021Analysis of the complexity of algorithms for finding the coefficients of the mathematical model of lowintensity electroretinosignalTymkiv, Pavlo
Conference AbstractMay-202023-Jun-2020Application of Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for electroretinosignal processingТимків, Павло Олександрович; Tymkiv, Pavlo; Демчук, Любомир Богданович; Demchuk, L.B.
Conference Abstract26-May-201925-Jun-2019Multicomponent Model of the Heart Rate Variability Change-pointLeshchyshyn, Yuriy; Scherbak, Leonid; Nazarevych, Oleg; Gotovych, Volodymyr; Tymkiv, Pavlo; Shymchuk, Grigorii
ArticleDec-202430-Dec-2024Optimization methods for parameter identification model of test electroretinosignal to assess neurotoxicity risksTymkiv, Pavlo; Tkachuk, Roman; Yanenko, Oleksiy
Conference Abstract22-Nov-202215-Dec-2022Problems of modeling low-intensity electroretinal signal for assessing the risks of neurotoxicationTkachuk, Roman; Tymkiv, Pavlo
Conference Abstract20-Jun-201915-Jul-2019ROC-аналіз методів параметричної ідентифікації обчислювальної моделі низькоінтенсивного електроретиносигналуТимків, Павло Олександрович; Демчук, Любомир; Tymkiv, Pavlo; Demchuk, Liubomyr
Conference Abstract2-Oct-202416-Dec-2024Smart Prosthetics in Surgery: AI-Driven Tactile Feedback Using Piezoelectric SensorsTymkiv, Pavlo; Kłos-Witkowska, Aleksandra; Bahrii-Zaiats, Oksana; Kovalyk, Serhii
Conference Abstract8-Jun-201728-Feb-2018Удосконалення методу опрацювання низькоінтенсивного електроретиносигналуТимків, Павло Олександрович; Tymkiv, Pavlo