Моля, използвайте този идентификатор за цитиране или линк към този публикация: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/24152
Заглавие: Information Support for User Security and Privacy Decisions
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Балогун Толулопе Еммануель. Назва : автореферат дипломної роботи магістра за спеціальністю „122 — комп’ютерні науки“/Балогун Толулопе Еммануель. — Тернопіль: ТНТУ ,2018 РІК. —6ХХ с.
Balogun Tolulope Emmanuel, Security And Privacy Decisions With DATA: Abstract of a Master’s Thesis, 8.05010101 «Information Control System and Technologies»/ Balogun Tolulope Emmanuel - Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University- Ternopil, TNTU, 2018. – 6p.
Дата на Публикуване: 24-Фев-2018
Date of entry: 28-Фев-2018
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: ternopil
Supervisor: Sitkar, T.V
Committee members: Konovalenko, Ihor
UDC: 681.518 681.518
Ключови Думи: 122
комп’ютерні науки
Резюме: : Diploma Project is to The increase in applications using location data will make finding this information on a suspect’s device more valuable. It seems highly plausible a timeline of a person’s whereabouts could be created from this information and used in an investigation. It is also incredibly important an investigator finds this information in a timely fashion. This is the reason why the emulator is a vital part of DroidSpotter
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/24152
Content type: Master Thesis
Показва се в Колекции:122 — комп’ютерні науки

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