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Titolo: Deploying IPv6 based network for TopCorn Bank (Nigeria)
Titoli alternativi: Розробка ком’пютерної мережі для TopCorn банку (Нігерія) з підтримкою протоколу IPv6
Autori: Olayinka, Vincent Folajimi
Олайіка, Вінсент Фолажімі
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Олайіка Вінсент Фолажімі Розробка ком’ пютерної мережі для TopCorn банку (нігерія) з підтримкою протоколу IPv6 : автореферат дипломної роботи магістра за спеціальністю „122 — комп’ютерні науки“/ Олайіка Вінсент Фолажімі — Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2018. — 6 с.
Bibliographic description (International): Olayinka Vincent Folajimi Deploying IPv6 based network for TopCorn Bank (Nigeria): Abstract of a Master’s Thesis, 122 «Computer Science and Information Technologies»/ Olayinka Vincent Folajimi - Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University- Ternopil, TNTU, 2018. – 6 p.
Data: 16-nov-2017
Date of entry: 26-feb-2018
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Supervisor: Fryz, Mykhailo
Committee members: Savkiv, Volodymyr
UDC: 004.891
Parole chiave: 122
комп’ютерні науки
Keywords: Internet Protocol (IP), Network Address, Domain Name Server, Virtual Private Network, Media Access Control, Transmission Protocol, User Diagram Interface, Local Area Network, Internet Service Provider
Abstract: Master’s thesis is devoted to the development of deploying IPv6 . In the thesis presented a structure of deploying IPv6, that inludes designing IPv6 addresses, pinging the network environment, topological schema, physical and logical topology. As a result, the goal of planning and deploying IPv6 for TopCorn bank was established, successful test results how communication with both the main and branch office. IPv6 must therefore be applied as an important subject to the goal of any banking sector, because it creates for future expansion of any organization. That is the major reason why deploying IPv6 rather than its older version is very important for any organization sector and that why i chose to deploy it into TopCorn Bank
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/24135
References (Ukraine): 1. Olayinka Vincent Olayinka , Deploying IPv6 based network for TopCorn Bank/ Book of abstract of the V International scientific and technical conference of young researchers and students «Current issues in modern technologies», Ternopil, November 17-18, 2016, vol.2. – Ternopil, TNTU Press. – 1 p.
Content type: Master Thesis
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:122 — комп’ютерні науки

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