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Titel: Financial market during pandemic: a banking sector
Övriga titlar: Фінансовий ринок в умовах пандемії: банківський сектор
Författare: Khymych, Iryna
Tymoshyk, Nataliia
Affiliation: ТНТУ, каф. ЕФ
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Khymych I.G. Financial market during pandemic: a banking sector / I. G. Khymych, N. S. Tymoshyk // Economics: time realities. Scientific journal. – 2021. – № 2 (54). – P. 57-64. – Retrieved fromо2/57.pdf. DOI: 10.15276/ETR.02.2021.7. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5115838.
Bibliographic description (International): Khymych I.G. Financial market during pandemic: a banking sector / I. G. Khymych, N. S. Tymoshyk // Economics: time realities. Scientific journal. – 2021. – № 2 (54). – P. 57-64. – Retrieved fromо2/57.pdf. DOI: 10.15276/ETR.02.2021.7. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5115838.
Issue: 2 (54)
Utgivningsdatum: aug-2021
Date of entry: 12-sep-2021
Utgivare: Одеський національний політехнічний університет
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Одеса: Одеський національний політехнічний університет, 2021
UDC: 330
BBK: 65
JEL: A1, A2, G1, M1, H1
E44; E50
Nyckelord: financial market
banking sector
financial stability
bank reliability
"zombie bank"
Page range: 57-64
Sammanfattning: This article highlights the features of the financial market during pandemic, in particular, the state of the banking sector. After all, this component ensures the efficiency of mobilization, accumulation, distribution and movement of available financial resources in the overall economic system of the country. It is investigated that one of the important conditions for ensuring the effective operation of the financial market is comprehensive support of its financial stability. An assessment of the key factors impact on the level of risk in the financial sector was presented, which showed that corruption, activities of the law enforcement authorities and judiciary system were the main sources of risk for Ukraine’s financial sector in 2020. It was found that the country’s banking sector managed to maintain its stable position during 2020 on the basis of clear anti-crisis instruments timely implemented by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).
ISSN: 2226-2172
Copyright owner: © Химич І.Г., Тимошик Н.С., 2021
URL for reference material:
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