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Título: Qualimetric Analysis of Pipelines with Corrosion Surfaces in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas Enterprises
Authors: Yuzevych, Volodymyr
Pavlenchyk, Nataliia
Zaiats, Olha
Heorhiadi, Nellі
Lakiza, Viktoriia
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Yuzevych, V., Pavlenchyk, N., Zaiats, O., Heorhiadi, N., & Lakiza, V. (2020). Qualimetric Analysis of Pipelines with Corrosion Surfaces in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas Enterprises // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1145–1150. (ISSN 2277-3878).
Journal/Collection: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Data de edición: 1-May-2020
Date of entry: 6-May-2020
Palabras chave: pipeline
oil and gas enterprises
structure degradation
quality control
non-destructive testing
neural network
Page range: 1145–1150
Resumo: The introduction of new technologies for diagnosing underground metal pipelines with dangerous surface defects is a practically important task. That is why studies aimed at improving the methods of assessing the quality of deformed metal pipelines and structural elements are necessary and relevant. The evaluation of the effectiveness of engineering and technological solutions for oil and gas enterprises needs improvement. In this context, an important task is to solve the problem of quality control (including durability) of gas and oil transportation systems and the improvement of appropriate metrological support. Based on surface physics and fracture mechanics, development of a methodological approach to assessing the quality and resource of underground metal pipelines (UMP) of oil and gas enterprises, taking into account the constructions strength, corrosion fatigue, parameters of corrosion protection and metrological support. Results of processing of normative documents and scientific works in the field of gas transportation enterprises, as well as methods of surface physics, mechanics of deformed solid body, fracture mechanics, qualimetry regarding the system “pipeline (UMP) – coating”. A new criterion for the strength of the surface of a metal underground pipe is proposed, which characterizes the peculiarities of bond fractures (adhesion) between the coating and the metal. Using the criterion of the strength of a metal tube with a defect in the electrolyte, the dependence of the critical internal pressure of the gas pipeline (UMP) on the geometric and energy (elastic and plastic) parameters of the metal, as well as the current of the anodic dissolution, which characterizes the features of the crack propagation at the bottom of the corrosion cavern. On the basis of surface physics and fracture mechanics obtained, a methodology for evaluating the quality of underground metal pipelines of oil and gas enterprises was developed to determine their resource, taking into account strength, corrosion fatigue, parameters of corrosion protection and metrological support.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/31513
ISSN: 2277-3878
URL for reference material: http://www.ijrte.org/archive/
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