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タイトル: Adaptation of the Neyman-Pearson criteria for assessing the reliability of the choice of the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignal
その他のタイトル: Адаптація критерію Неймана-Пірсона для оцінювання достовірності вибору методу визначення коефіцієнтів математичної моделі низькоінтенсивного електроретиносигналу
著者: Тимків (Tymkiv), Павло (Pavlo)
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Adaptation of the Neyman-Pearson criteria for assessing the reliability of the choice of the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignal / Pavlo Tymkiv / Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 93. — No 1. — P. 127–136. — (Mathematical modeling. Mathematics).
Bibliographic description (International): Tymkiv P. (2019) Adaptation of the Neyman-Pearson criteria for assessing the reliability of the choice of the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignal. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol. 93, no 1, pp. 127-136.
発行日: 2019
Date of entry: 25-6月-2019
出版者: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, Тернопіль, Україна Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль, ТНТУ
UDC: 53.05: 617.753
キーワード: electroretinography
low-intensity electroretinosignal
mathematical model
Kalman filter
Neyman-Pearson criteria
Page range: 127-136
シリーズ番号/レポート番号: 1 (93);
記述: With a decrease in the intensity of light irritation to detect the risk of neurotoxicity, they receive a low-intensity electroretinosignal, which needs to be further elaborated. In works by Tkachuk R.A. and Yavorskyy B.I. the application of the Kalman filter and the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of the electroretinosignal is proposed. However, the method of direct directed search (search) of coefficients is used, which has considerable time complexity, which makes it impossible to automate the application and reconfiguration of the Kalman filter for the processing of low-intensity electroretinosignal. Known works, in which the method of determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignal has been improved by checking in several iterations with the change of the pitch step. Therefore, in order to evaluate the proposed advanced method, it is necessary to conduct a statistical test of choice. The problem of choosing the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignal is solved by methods of statistical choice theory. Validation of reliability is based on the Bayesian concept of probability theory, on the basis of which the Neyman-Pearson criteria is chosen and adapted to the task of selecting (approving) the solution. The reliability of the choice of the method for finding the coefficients was determined with a fixed probability of a false choice of the method (0,1; 0,01; 0,001 and 0,0001).
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/28653
References (International): Environmental Health Criteria 223. Neurotoxicity Risk Asessment For Human Health: Principles And Approaches [Elektron. resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: – http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc223.htm Finkelstein D., Gouras P., Hoff M. Human electroretinogram near the absolute threshold of vision // Investigative Ophthalmology, April, 1963. Vol.7. # 2. PP. 214-218. Hecht S. Energy, Quanta and Vision // Journal of General Physiology. July 20, 1942. PP. 819 – 840. https://doi.org/10.1085/jgp.25.6.819 Rilk A.J. The Flicker Electroretinogram in Phase Space: Embeddings and Techniques // Aalen. 2003. 93p. Tkachuk R.A. Optymizaciya retynografichnoyi systemy dlya vyyavlennya pryhovanogo biologichnogo vplyvu na organizm lyudyny // Optyko-elektronni informacijno-energetychni texnologiyi. 2009, # 2. PP. 145-152. R. Tkachuk, B. Yavorskyy. Metod pobudovy biotexnichnoyi systemy dlya ocinyuvannya elektroretynogram z pidvyshhenymy virogidnistyu ta efektyvnistyu // Visnyk TDTU, 2009. Tom 14. # 3. PP. 102-110. Tymkiv P.O., Zabytivskyj V.P., Yavorskyj B.I.. Syntez filtru Kalmana dlya opracyuvannya nyzko intensyvnogo elektroretynosygnalu // Mizhnarodnyj naukovo-texnichnyj zhurnal "Vymiryuvalna ta obchyslyuvalna texnika v texnologichnyx procesax". Hmelnyczkyj, 2016. # 1. Obmin praktychnym dosvidom ta texnologiyamy. PP.168-176 Tymkiv Pavlo. Udoskonalennya metodu opracyuvannya nyzkointensyvnogo elektroretynosygnalu // Materialy III Vseukrayinskoyi naukovo-texnichnoyi konferenciyi «TEORETYChNI TA PRYKLADNI ASPEKTY RADIOTEXNIKY I PRYLADOBUDUVANNYa», 8-9 July 2017, TNTU, 2017. PP.123-125. Tymkiv P.O. Veryfikaciya udoskonalenogo metodu vyznachennya koeficiyentiv filtru Kalmana u nyzkointensyvnij elektroretynografiyi // Materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-texnichnoyi konferenciyi «FUNDAMENTALNI TA PRYKLADNI PROBLEMY SUChASNYX TEXNOLOGIJ do 100 richchya z dnya zasnuvannya NAN Ukrayiny ta na vshanuvannya pamyati Ivana Pulyuya (100 richchya z dnya smerti)», 22-24 May, 2018. TNTU, 2018 PP.22-23. Shakhtaryn B.Y. Obnaruzhenye syhnalov: ucheb. Posobye. M.: Helyos ARV, 2006. 488 p.
Content type: Article
出現コレクション:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри біотехнічних систем

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