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Title: Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Brand management” for the 4thyear students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)
Authors: Lutsykiv, Ivanna
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Lutsykiv I. V. Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Brand management” for the 4thyear students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).– Ternopil: ФОП Паляниця В. А., 2018. – 23 p.
Bibliographic description (International): Lutsykiv I. V. Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Brand management” for the 4thyear students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).– Ternopil: ФОП Паляниця В. А., 2018. – 23 p.
Issue Date: 2018
Submitted date: 2018
Date of entry: 11-sze-2018
Country (code): UA
Keywords: brand management, “trademark”, “trade token", protection
Abstract: Brand Management is a course designed for students interested in management science and especially in the world of brands. It does not require any specific knowledge since it starts from basic level and it keeps a very practical point of view, focusing in the main theoretical concepts and framework, but having a "real life" approach. This course will focus on the basic building blocks of growing and managing a brand, as well as advanced and special topics of brand management that will provide a well-rounded look at issues in integrating the brand into overall marketing and company activities. Moreover, advanced and special topics of brand management such as measuring brand performance and brand value will be covered. Throughout the course special attention will be given on how to integrate the brand into overall marketing and company activities. The overall objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations and best managerial practices of strategic brand management.
Content: Introduction…………………………………………………………………….….4 Lecture 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF BRAND MANAGEMENT ……………….…6 Lecture 2.TRADEMARKS AND TRADE TOKEN (SYMBOL)………………....7 Lecture 3. METHODS OF CREATING A STRONG BRAND ………………..…8 Lecture 4. BRAND EQUITY……………………………………………………...9 Lecture 5. BRAND AWARENESS AND CREATING OF BRAND LOYALTY………………………………………………………………………..10 Lecture 6. SUSTAINABILITY AND CHALLENGES OF BRAND……………11 Lecture 7. BRAND VALUATION...………………………………………..……12 Individual work………………………………………………………….. ………20
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/25939
References (Ukraine): D. A. Aaker Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity. – 2004. – 433 p. 2. D. A. Aaker Measuring brand equity across products and markets // California Management Rev. – 1996. - 38(Spring). – p. 10-12. 3. B. N. Anand, R. Shachar Brands as beacons: A new sourceof loyalty to multiproduct firms // Marketing Res. – 2004. – 41(May). – p. 135-150. 4. H. Barich, K. Philip A framework for image management // S loan Management Review. – 1999. – 2 (Winter). – p. 94 – 104. 5. K. L. Keller Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies // Journal of Brand Management. – 2000. – 6/5. – p. 315. 6. K. K. Desai, K. L. Keller The effects of brand expansions and ingredient branding strategies on host brand extendibility // Marketing. – 2002. - 66(July). – p. 73-93. 7. K.L. Keller, B. Weitz, R. Wensley Branding and brand equity. – Handbook of Marketing. Sage Publications. – London, UK. – 2004. – p. 356. 8. K. L. Keller Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity. - 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. – 2003. – p. 563. 9. T. Erdem, J. Swait. Brand credibility, brand consideration, and choice // Consumer Res. – 2004. – 31(June). – p. 191-198.
Content type: Methodical recommendations
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