Mesedez, erabili identifikatzaile hau item hau aipatzeko edo estekatzeko:
Titulua: Guide on internship for full-time study bachelors majoring in specialism “Management”
Egilea: Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Mosiy O. B. Guide on internship for full-time study bachelors majoring in specialism “Management” / O. B. Mosiy. – Ternopil : TNTU, 2017. – 26 p.
Gordailuaren-data: 2017
Date of entry: 24-Jun-2018
Country (code): UA
UDC: 330.31
Gako-hitzak: Проходження практики студентами-іноземцями
Laburpena: According to the typical scientific plans for economical specialities, students majoring in 6.030601 „Management”have three types of internship: 1) Introducing into speciality; 2) Manufacturing internship; 3) Pre-diploma internship. Guide gives explanation how to complete these internships.
Deskribapena: Through education and experience students have to acquire principal skills – technical, human relations, conceptual skills, and specific skills. Technical skills consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field. Involve the ability to perform tasks of a specific department such as marketing, finance, production, law, and engineering. Human relations skills consist of the ability to work well in cooperation with other people to get things done. These skills – the ability to motivate, to coach, to communicate with others, to support others. Conceptual skills consist of the ability to think analytically, to picture an organization as a whole and understand how the parts work together. Specific skills include: verbal, writing, computer, time management skills. Practical work at the enterprises gives possibility for students to acquire these skills. Internship gives possibility to gain these skills.
Content: 1. Introduction 2. Individual tasks 3. Basic requirements to the report accomplishment 4. Requirements to the presentation 5. Recommended reading 6. Appendices
Content type: Handbook
Bildumetan azaltzen da:Методичні матеріали кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування

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Guide.docGuide on internship145 kBMicrosoft WordBistaratu/Ireki

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