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Titolo: Enterprise’s structural components analysis under pre-adaptation
Autori: Marynenko, Nataliia
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Nataliia Marynenko. Enterprise’s structural components analysis under pre-adaptation / Nataliia Marynenko // Journal Association 1901 “SEPIKE”. – 2016. – Vol. 14. – Рp. 109–113
Bibliographic description (International): Nataliia Marynenko. Enterprise’s structural components analysis under pre-adaptation / Nataliia Marynenko // Journal Association 1901 “SEPIKE”. – 2016. – Vol. 14. – Рp. 109–113
Data: 31-ott-2016
Date of entry: 12-set-2017
Editore: Journal Association 1901 “SEPIKE”
Country (code): DE
Place of the edition/event: Frankfurt
UDC: 338
Parole chiave: pre-adaptation
external environment
production and economic organization
Page range: 109–113
Abstract: The necessity for enterprises to respond to challenges of external environment and to involve pre-adaptation measures is substantiated in the paper. The enterprise’s structural components to be analyzed at the enterprise’s pre-adaptation within production and economic organization (PEO) are identified and described. They are as follows: financial, personnel, technological, managerial, informational, and marketing ones. The enterprise’s management subsystems are characterized as well. Indicators needed for assessing the efficiency of the management subsystems of the enterprise within PEO at the pre-adaptation stage and the ones for analyzing the enterprise’s structural components at the same stage are offered
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/21932
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Content type: Article
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