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Titulua: Regulators for Adaptive Enterprise Development
Egilea: Marynenko, Nataliia
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Nataliia Marynenko. Regulators for Adaptive Enterprise Development / Nataliia Marynenko // Journal of Global Economy Review. – State Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece, 2016. – Volume 1, No. 5. – Pp. 51–56
Bibliographic description (International): Nataliia Marynenko. Regulators for Adaptive Enterprise Development / Nataliia Marynenko // Journal of Global Economy Review. – State Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece, 2016. – Volume 1, No. 5. – Pp. 51–56
Gordailuaren-data: 30-Jun-2016
Date of entry: 12-Sep-2017
Argitalpen: State Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia
Place of the edition/event: Kozani, Greece
UDC: 338
Gako-hitzak: Enterprise adaptation
Enterprise development
External environment
Page range: 51-56
Laburpena: The system of internal and external regulators of the enterprise’s state under enterprise adaptive development is proposed in the paper. Aiming at regulating the enterprise’s flexibility under adaptation to the external environment the following indicators are to be used: innovation regulator, reliability of the industrial materials and resources supply regulator, dealership regulator, competitive regulator, debtor’s regulator, creditor’s regulator, shareholders’ regulator (external regulators) and personnel regulator, production regulator, marketing and sales regulator, production process technical support regulator, resources consumption regulator (internal ones). The integral index of the enterprise’s internal and external environment regulators under adaptation formula is introduced. It is determined that by calculating the integral index the dynamics of the external and internal environment regulation during adaptation is to be obtained. This will make it possible to construct the map for the enterprise’s adaptive responses (depending on the regulators location in a geometric plane) at regulating its development and to undertake a certain type of strategic actions, which reflect the impact of the enterprise’s internal and external environment factors.
References (Ukraine): Bobrovska, O. Yu. (2001) Regulation of economic processes of the industrial enterprises development [Rehuliuvannia ekonomichnykh prothesiv rozvytku pidpryiemstv promyslovosti] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk : 08.07.01 / Bobrovskaya Olena Yuriivna ; Natsional’nyi tekhnichnyi universytet “Kharkivs’kyi politechnichnyi instytut”. – Kharkiv. – 16 p. Kniaz, O.V. (2006a) Problems of assessment and regulation of the enterprises’ innovative development and the ways of their solution [Problemy otsiniuvannia ta rehuliuvannia innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva i shliakhy yikh rozviazannia] / O.V. Kniaz // Skhid. – No 3(75). – Pp. 10–13. Kniaz, O.V. (2006b) The enterprise innovative development : the essence and methods of assessment [Innovatsiinyi rozvytok pidpryiemstva : sutnist’ i metody otsiniuvannia] / O.V. Kniaz // Ekonomika : problemy teorii ta praktyky (Zbirnyk naukovykh prats), Dnipropetrovsk : DNU. – V. 4, №. 4. – Pp. 997–1007. Kniaz, O. V. (2006c) Analysis and assessment of factors affecting the level of the enterprises’ innovative development [Analiz ta otsiniuvannia faktoriv, yaki vplyvaiut’ na riven’ innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva] / O. V. Kniaz // Ekonomika promyslovosti. – №3. – Pp. 128–135. Obydiennova, T.S. (2014) Forecasting of the machine-building enterprises structural reforms implementation results on the basis of the resource-functional approach [Prohnozuvannia rezul’tativ zdiisnennia strukturnykh peretvoren’ mashynobudivnykh pidpryiemstv na osnovi resursno-funktsional’noho pidkhodu] / Ekonomika i upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy mashynobudivnoi haluzi. – № 2 (26). – Pp.67–76. Volianyk, H. M. (2001) Forecasting and regulation of the industrial enterprises development [Prohnozuvannia ta rehuliuvannia rozvytku mashynobudivnykh pidpryiemstv] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk : 08.02.03 / Volianyk Halyna Mykhailivna ; Natsional’nyi universytet “L’vivska politekhnika”. – L’viv. – 20 p.
References (International): Bobrovska, O. Yu. (2001) Regulation of economic processes of the industrial enterprises development [Rehuliuvannia ekonomichnykh prothesiv rozvytku pidpryiemstv promyslovosti] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk : 08.07.01 / Bobrovskaya Olena Yuriivna ; Natsional’nyi tekhnichnyi universytet “Kharkivs’kyi politechnichnyi instytut”. – Kharkiv. – 16 p. Kniaz, O.V. (2006a) Problems of assessment and regulation of the enterprises’ innovative development and the ways of their solution [Problemy otsiniuvannia ta rehuliuvannia innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva i shliakhy yikh rozviazannia] / O.V. Kniaz // Skhid. – No 3(75). – Pp. 10–13. Kniaz, O.V. (2006b) The enterprise innovative development : the essence and methods of assessment [Innovatsiinyi rozvytok pidpryiemstva : sutnist’ i metody otsiniuvannia] / O.V. Kniaz // Ekonomika : problemy teorii ta praktyky (Zbirnyk naukovykh prats), Dnipropetrovsk : DNU. – V. 4, №. 4. – Pp. 997–1007. Kniaz, O. V. (2006c) Analysis and assessment of factors affecting the level of the enterprises’ innovative development [Analiz ta otsiniuvannia faktoriv, yaki vplyvaiut’ na riven’ innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva] / O. V. Kniaz // Ekonomika promyslovosti. – №3. – Pp. 128–135. Obydiennova, T.S. (2014) Forecasting of the machine-building enterprises structural reforms implementation results on the basis of the resource-functional approach [Prohnozuvannia rezul’tativ zdiisnennia strukturnykh peretvoren’ mashynobudivnykh pidpryiemstv na osnovi resursno-funktsional’noho pidkhodu] / Ekonomika i upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy mashynobudivnoi haluzi. – № 2 (26). – Pp.67–76. Volianyk, H. M. (2001) Forecasting and regulation of the industrial enterprises development [Prohnozuvannia ta rehuliuvannia rozvytku mashynobudivnykh pidpryiemstv] : avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk : 08.02.03 / Volianyk Halyna Mykhailivna ; Natsional’nyi universytet “L’vivska politekhnika”. – L’viv. – 20 p.
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