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Název: Numerical simulation of crack tip opening at static and dynamic creep
Autoři: Федак, Сергій Ігнатович
Ясній, Петро Володимирович
Гладьо, Володимир Богданович
Шульган, Ігор Володимирович
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): The paper proposes finite element model for studying of influence of brittle inclusions in the material on opening in the crack tip in the conditions of static and dynamic creep, when the parameters of structural heterogeneousness is taken into consideration. Using this model, there have been studied the influence of shape ratio and specific part of inclusions of heterogeneous material on the crack tip opening increase and material damage at static and dynamic creep.
Conference/Event: Proceedings of the 3th International Conference Nonlinear Dynamics
Datum vydání: 21-zář-2010
Date of entry: 6-čer-2017
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Харків
Page range: 509-515
Abstrakt: The paper proposes finite element model for studying of influence of brittle inclusions in the material on opening in the crack tip in the conditions of static and dynamic creep, when the parameters of structural heterogeneousness is taken into consideration. Using this model, there have been studied the influence of shape ratio and specific part of inclusions of heterogeneous material on the crack tip opening increase and material damage at static and dynamic creep.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/20899
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Content type: Article
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