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Знайдені матеріали:
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Monographлис-201926-гру-2019UKRAINIAN LABOR MIGRATION: MAIN TRENDS AND RISKSShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Kryskov, Andrii Anatoliiovych; Chop, Tamara Oleksandrivna
Other18-тра-20176-лип-2017The first ukrainian catholic liturgy celebrated in CanadaShchyhelska, Halyna; Щигельська, Галина Остапівна
Course of lectures201825-чер-2018The course of lectures on discipline HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHYChop, Tamara
Course of lecturesвер-201810-лют-2019The course of lectures on discipline FUNDAMENTALS OF LAWShchyhelska, Halyna
Articleгру-20215-січ-2022Influence of military actions in the Eastern Ukraine on formation of value orientations of student youthПотіха, Оксана Богданівна
Conference Abstractлют-202321-лют-2023The second home: ukrainian refugees in PolandShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Potikha, Oksana Bohdanivna; Sahan, Mykola Myhailovych
Article6-чер-202215-жов-2022Educational Crisis in the Modern Information and Digital Society Against the Backdrop of Russian Armed AggressionShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Kozinchuk, Vitalii; Nikolaieva, Tetiana; Pryshchepa (Sheheda), Olena; Maksymenko, Yurii
Articleсер-202222-сер-2022Education and science of Ukraine in the realities of large-scale military aggression and global challenges of the 21st centuryZinchenko, Viktoriia; Kaidanovska, Olena; Boyko, Angela; Potikha, Oksana; Chaika, Svitlana
Articleкві-202228-гру-2022Fronestical approach to the formation of professional responsibility of future specialists of technical specialties: monitoring by means of information and communication technologies.-
Methodical recommendationsлис-20213-гру-2021The dictionary on discipline «Philosophy»Chop, Tamara
-лис-20218-гру-2021The dictionary on discipline «Philosophy»Chop, Tamara
Learning Object201515-вер-2016Methodical recommendations on conducting the seminars on the course “History and culture of Ukraine” for students of training directions 6.060101 Construction, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 ManagementShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Щигельська, Галина Остапівна
Methodical recommendationsлис-20213-гру-2021Handbook of philosophyChop, Tamara
Article26-тра-20233-лип-2023Political and legal ideas in German classical philosophyMorska, Nataliia; Poperechna, Galyna; Petryshyn, Halyna; Yatyshchuk, Anastasiia; Chop, Tamara
Article14-лип-202319-жов-2023Information Society: Educational Trends and Technical Aspects of Formation (EU Experience)Saienko, Volodymyr; Zabiiaka, Iryna; Potikha, Oksana; Riabinina, Olena; Mykhaliuk, Alla
Articleлис-202326-бер-2024Methods and Means of Automatic Statistical Assessment of Information Measuring SystemsDubynyak, Taras; Dmytrotsa, Lesia; Yavorska, Myroslava; Shostakivska, Nadia; Manziy, Oleksandra
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