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Title: Інформаційна система прогнозування економічних показників діяльності підприємства на основі нейронних мереж
Authors: Кожухівський, Богдан Михайлович
Issue Date: 23-Dec-2013
Date of entry: 23-Dec-2013
Publisher: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль
Abstract: ANNOTATION The article of research is algorithms and methods of prognostication of wholesale-retail sales on the basis of artificial neuron networks. A research object is prognostication of wholesale-retail sales. Consists a research aim in development of programmatic CAS of prognostication of wholesale-retail sales of commodities on the basis of neuron networks for the further acceptance of alternative decisions by a man which analyses or makes decision, in relation to the necessity of choice of necessary commodity and clear analysis of all necessary information which influences on the optimal functioning of the system and is the certain criterion of co-ordination of threads of works. This system can be applied in the type of the system of support of making decision on enterprises which work in the sphere of the wholesale-retail trading in portable devices and компютерною technique. Year of implementation of diploma work 2013 Year of defence of work 2013 Keywords: neuron network, wholesale-retail sales, making decision, prognostication. Diploma work contains 110 pages, 10 tables, 20 drawings, list of literature 29 names, 1 addition.
Content type: Other
Appears in Collections:Кваліфікаційні роботи магістрів

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