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Titel: Класифікація атак на бездротові сенсорні мережі і шляхи їх візуалізації
Övriga titlar: Classification of attack on wireless sensor networks and ways of visualization
Författare: Чиж, Віталій Михайлович
Карпінський, Микола Петрович
Балабан, Степан Миколайович
Chyzh, V.
Karpinski, M.
Balaban, S.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Чиж В. Класифікація атак на бездротові сенсорні мережі і шляхи їх візуалізації / Чиж В., Карпінський М., Балабан С. // Вісник ТНТУ. — 2012. — Том 66. — № 2. — С.191-197. — (приладобудування та інформаційно-вимірювальнї технології).
Utgivningsdatum: 13-feb-2012
Date of entry: 26-jun-2013
Utgivare: Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль, Україна
UDC: 004.94
Nyckelord: сенсор
бездротова сенсорна мережа
тріангуляція Делоне
діаграма Вороного
wireless sensor networks
Delaunay triangulation
Voronoi diagram
Sammanfattning: Проведено аналіз можливих фізичних та інтелектуальних атак, представлено систему класифікації атак на бездротові сенсорні мережі, виділено характерні особливості окремих видів таких атак. Запропоновано методи візуалізації об’ємних бездротових сенсорних мереж і окремих видів фізичних та інтелектуальних атак на них.
Classification of wireless sensor networks (WSN) according to the difference of sensors placement levels and radius of their action was interpreted. To classify WSN according to their structure a network of fire protection was used, which has sensors placed under strict rules in real residential areas. Thus, the network is a classical surface WSN. The network of fire protection is built on a multistoried building and is a conventional Volume WSN. Peculiarities of construction of a scheme of mutual relations between the neighboring sensors should take into account the mutual influence of horizontal layers of the network. WSN have a number of essential advantages over their wired analogues. But at the same time they are characterized by certain disadvantages, such as possibility of being attacked. Efficiency and reliability of the WSN functioning depends on prediction and effectiveness of control methods, of such attacks. In developing and evaluating the effectiveness of methods to withstand the attacks on WSN it is recommended to use a system of attacks classification. The system of classification of attacks on WSN was developed. Sensors, signals that are broadcasted in the network as well as confidential information may be subjected to the outside influence. That is why the attacks are divided into physical and intellectual. Physical attacks include mechanical and radio technical ones. The given classification of mechanical attacks makes it possible to facilitate the choice of method of visualization of attack area distribution and parameters of its calculation. Thus, for the visualization of a plain attack two characteristic linear dimensions which characterize the corresponding plane are used. Radio technical attacks involve destruction of an electromagnetic signal. For visualization of such attacks the measuring of a received signal power level is used. In this case the reduction in signal strength is considered as the result of increasing the distance between sensors and thus increasing the area of WSN. Intellectual or logical attacks are divided into functional and confidential. The functionality of WSN corresponds to the correct operation of all sensors in a network, routing and physical level. Thus, functional attacks are aimed at the destruction of the functional parameters of WSN. These attacks hamper basic sensor to receive complete and correct information from sensors of the lower level. Confidential attacks are divided into traffic analysis information, eavesdropping and manipulation of information routing. Typically, as a result of these attacks the attacker is able to decrypt the information, determine the route and frequency of information transfer with the aim of further organization of functional attacks on WSN. For the visualization of these attacks famous Delaunay methods of triangulation and Voronoi decomposition are used. The visualization of attacks on WSN is of primary importance. The scheme of plane attacks dissemination in the area of VWSN coverage, scheme of spherical attack distribution in the area of VWSN coverage, scheme of cylinder attack distribution in the area of VWSN coverage have been presented.
ISSN: 1727-7108
Copyright owner: © „Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету“
Publications status : Опубліковано раніше
Content type: Article
Samling:Вісник ТНТУ, 2012, № 2 (66)

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