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Título: Crack emanation from defects modelled by extremely small drilled holes in two conditions
Autor: Vuherer, T.
Hlado, V.
Hutsaylyuk, V.
Maruschak, P.
Yasniy, P.
Gliha, V.
Affiliation: University of Maribor, Slovenia
Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj State Technical University, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Crack emanation from defects modelled by extremely small drilled holes in two conditions / T. Vuherer, V. Hlado, V. Hutsaylyuk, P. Maruschak, P. Yasniy, V. Gliha // Механічна втома металів. Праці 13-го міжнародного колоквіуму (МВМ-2006), 25-28 вересня 2006 року — Т. : ТДТУ, 2006 — С. 251-258. — (Розвиток втомних тріщин із урахуванням впливу корозійного середовища, температури, виду навантаження та інших факторів).
Bibliographic description (International): Vuherer T., Hlado V., Hutsaylyuk V., Maruschak P., Yasniy P., Gliha V. (2006) Crack emanation from defects modelled by extremely small drilled holes in two conditions. Mechanical Fatigue of Metals: Proceeding of the 13-th International Colloquium (MFM) (Tern., 25-28 September 2006), pp. 251-258 [in English].
Is part of: ⅩⅢ міжнародний колоквіум „Механічна втома металів“
ⅩⅢ Internation Colloquium "Mechanical fatigue of metals"
Conference/Event: 13-ий міжнародний колоквіум (МВМ-2006) „Механічна втома металів“
Journal/Collection: ⅩⅢ міжнародний колоквіум „Механічна втома металів“
Data: 25-Set-2006
Date of entry: 5-Jun-2016
Editora: ТДТУ
Place of the edition/event: Україна, Тернопіль
Ukraine, Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 25-28 вересня 2006 року
25-28 September 2006
Number of pages: 8
Page range: 251-258
Start page: 251
End page: 258
Resumo: Fatigue is the primary reason for the failure of structural components. Resistivity of a coarse grain heat affected zone against fatigue crack initiation in presence of micro-defects is discussed in the present article. Samples of material with a martensitic coarse grain heat affected zone microstructure were prepared by proper thermal treatments. Microstructurally small holes were used as artificial micro-defects. They were created by drilling. Compressive residual stresses appear in the material due to the irreversibility of plastic deformation. Moment of hole drilling enables to prepare samples with and without effects of residual stresses. Critical stress level for fatigue crack initiation depends on the actual size of the hole. The location and the way of crack initiation is affected by the presence and character of residual stresses.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16794
ISBN: 966-305-027-6
Copyright owner: © Тернопільський державний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
References (Ukraine): 1. Kitagawa H., Takahashy S.: “Applicability of fracture mechanics to very small cracks or the cracks in the early stage”, 2nd International Conference on the Behaviour of Materials, Boston, USA, 1976.
2. Miller, K. J.: “The behaviour of short fatigue cracks and their initiation, Part I and Part II”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 75-91 and No. 2, pp 93-113, 1987.
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4. Gliha V.: “Fatigue strength of material at the weld toe in the presence of surface macro-defects”, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Fracture - ECF 12, Sheffield, UK, 1998.
5. Gliha V., Vuherer T., Ule B., Vojvodič-Tuma J.: “Fracture resistance of simulated areas in HSLA structural steel, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining”, Vol. 9. No. 4, pp 399-406, 2004
6. Vuherer T, Gliha V., Yasniy P., Hutsaylyuk V., Nykyforchyn H.: “Uticaj malih grešaka na zamorno čvrstočo grubozrnatog dela ZUT”, Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije, No. 3, pp 112-116, 2004.
7. Vuherer T., Gliha V., Maver V., Yasniy P., Nykyforchyn H.: “Influence of small artificial defect on the fatigue strength of coarse grain heat affected zone”, Dynamics, Strength and Reliability of agricultural machines, DSR AM –I Conference, Ternopil, Ukraine, 2004.
8. Gliha V.: “The microstructure and properties of materials at the fusion line”, Metalurgija, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 13-18, 2005
9. Petterson R. E.: “Stress concentration factors; Charts and relations useful in making strength calculations for machine parts and structural elements”, Westinghouse Laboratories, 1974.
10. Murakami Y, Endo M.: “Quantitative evaluation of fatigue strength of metals containing various small defects or cracks”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 1-15, 1983.
11. Murakami Y, Endo M.: “Effect of hardness and crack geometries on DKth of small cracks emanating from small defects”, The Behaviour of Short Cracks, Mechanical Engineering Publication, pp 275-294, London, 1986.
12. Murakami Y.: “Effect of small defect and inhomogeneities on fatigue strength: experiments, model and application to industry”, 11th Biennial European Conference on Fracture - ECF 11, Poitiers- Futuroscope, France, 1996.
13. Murakami Y., Nomoto T., Ueda T.: “Factors influencing the mechanism of superlong fatigue failure of steels”, Fatigue Fracture and Engineering Structure, Vol. 22, pp 581-590, 1999.
14. Murakami Y., Matsuda K.: “Cause of unsuccessful results of Miner’s rule: Behaviour of small fatigue crack growth under repeated two step loading”, Small fatigue crack: Mechanics Mechanisms and Applications, pp 119-131, Elsevier, 1999.
15. Endo E.: “Effect of small defect on the fatigue strength of steel and ductile iron under combined axial/ torsion loading”, Small fatigue crack: Mechanics Mechanisms and Applications, pp 375-387, Elsevier, 1999.
16. Endo M. and Ishimoto I.: “The fatigue strength of steels containing small holes under out-of-phase combined loading”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 28, No. 5-6, pp 592-597, 2006.
17. Gliha V., Vuherer T.: “Influence of small defects made up by Vickers indentations on the fatigue strenght of steel”, 3rd International Conference Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity, Lviv, Ukraine, 2004.
18. Gliha V., Vuherer T.: “The behaviour of coarse grain HAZ materials with small defects during cyclic loading”, 6th International Conference on Fatigue and Fracture - NT2F6, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 2006.
19. Murakami Y.: “Stress intensity factors handbook”, Pergamon Press, 1987.
References (International): 1. Kitagawa H., Takahashy S., "Applicability of fracture mechanics to very small cracks or the cracks in the early stage", 2nd International Conference on the Behaviour of Materials, Boston, USA, 1976.
2. Miller, K. J., "The behaviour of short fatigue cracks and their initiation, Part I and Part II", Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 75-91 and No. 2, pp 93-113, 1987.
3. Vuherer T., Acceptance level for planar flaws in fusion welds depends on the conditions of welds due to residual stresses", International Conference MATEST '99, Cavtat, Croatia, 1999.
4. Gliha V., "Fatigue strength of material at the weld toe in the presence of surface macro-defects", Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Fracture - ECF 12, Sheffield, UK, 1998.
5. Gliha V., Vuherer T., Ule B., Vojvodič-Tuma J., "Fracture resistance of simulated areas in HSLA structural steel, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining", Vol. 9. No. 4, pp 399-406, 2004
6. Vuherer T, Gliha V., Yasniy P., Hutsaylyuk V., Nykyforchyn H., "Uticaj malih grešaka na zamorno čvrstočo grubozrnatog dela ZUT", Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije, No. 3, pp 112-116, 2004.
7. Vuherer T., Gliha V., Maver V., Yasniy P., Nykyforchyn H., "Influence of small artificial defect on the fatigue strength of coarse grain heat affected zone", Dynamics, Strength and Reliability of agricultural machines, DSR AM –I Conference, Ternopil, Ukraine, 2004.
8. Gliha V., "The microstructure and properties of materials at the fusion line", Metalurgija, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 13-18, 2005
9. Petterson R. E., "Stress concentration factors; Charts and relations useful in making strength calculations for machine parts and structural elements", Westinghouse Laboratories, 1974.
10. Murakami Y, Endo M., "Quantitative evaluation of fatigue strength of metals containing various small defects or cracks", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 1-15, 1983.
11. Murakami Y, Endo M., "Effect of hardness and crack geometries on DKth of small cracks emanating from small defects", The Behaviour of Short Cracks, Mechanical Engineering Publication, pp 275-294, London, 1986.
12. Murakami Y., "Effect of small defect and inhomogeneities on fatigue strength: experiments, model and application to industry", 11th Biennial European Conference on Fracture - ECF 11, Poitiers- Futuroscope, France, 1996.
13. Murakami Y., Nomoto T., Ueda T., "Factors influencing the mechanism of superlong fatigue failure of steels", Fatigue Fracture and Engineering Structure, Vol. 22, pp 581-590, 1999.
14. Murakami Y., Matsuda K., "Cause of unsuccessful results of Miner’s rule: Behaviour of small fatigue crack growth under repeated two step loading", Small fatigue crack: Mechanics Mechanisms and Applications, pp 119-131, Elsevier, 1999.
15. Endo E., "Effect of small defect on the fatigue strength of steel and ductile iron under combined axial/ torsion loading", Small fatigue crack: Mechanics Mechanisms and Applications, pp 375-387, Elsevier, 1999.
16. Endo M. and Ishimoto I., "The fatigue strength of steels containing small holes under out-of-phase combined loading", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 28, No. 5-6, pp 592-597, 2006.
17. Gliha V., Vuherer T., "Influence of small defects made up by Vickers indentations on the fatigue strenght of steel", 3rd International Conference Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity, Lviv, Ukraine, 2004.
18. Gliha V., Vuherer T., "The behaviour of coarse grain HAZ materials with small defects during cyclic loading", 6th International Conference on Fatigue and Fracture - NT2F6, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 2006.
19. Murakami Y., "Stress intensity factors handbook", Pergamon Press, 1987.
Content type: Article
Aparece nas colecções:13-ий міжнародний колоквіум (МВМ-2006) „Механічна втома металів“ (2006)

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