Перегляд зібрання за групою - Типи вмісту Conference Abstract

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Результати від 53 до 72 із 10892 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract29-чер-201814-сер-2018Business activity impact on society, environment and economyMarynenko, Nataliia
Conference Abstractлют-20187-чер-2018Business or ecology: which comes first today?Kramar, Iryna
Conference Abstract202230-гру-2022Business Sustainability and Security: innovative approaches to assessing opportunities for eliminating fraud manifestationsPanukhnyk, Olena
Conference Abstract30-лис-202328-лют-2024Buzz-маркетинг: особливості його використання підприємствамиСаган, Анастасія; Sagan, Anastasia
Conference Abstract4-гру-201913-січ-2020Can artificial intelligence replace human intelligence?Абоах, А.; Щигельська, Г.; Aboah, A.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract10-гру-202022-січ-2021CFD simulation of poultry house with side ventilation systemTrokhaniak, Viktor Ivanovych
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Challenges of new drug development process in bipharmaceutical contextУдовенко, М.; Udovenko, M.
Conference Abstract28-тра-20199-лип-2019Characteristics and thermomechanical modes of aluminum alloys hot deformationPylypets, Mykhaylo; Shvets, Lyudmyla
Conference Abstract25-кві-20244-чер-2024CHOICE of data center network virtualization architectureШевченко, Н.; Shevchenko, N.
Conference Abstract28-тра-20199-лип-2019Choice of the best available techniques of the alternative engine fuels in vehicle and tractor technique useZaharchuk, Victor; Zaharchuk, Oleg; Kuts, Nadia
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Choosing construction and a way of producing conveyor belt depending on its destinyReczek, K.; Reczek, K.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Classification of rolled metal defects using residual neural networksKonovalenko, Ihor; Maruschak, Pavlo; Mosiy, Lyubomyr; Duchon, Frantisek; Kelemen, Michal
Conference Abstract16-лис-201721-гру-2017Combined cable space frames for agricultural buildingsСтороженко, Л. І.; Гасій, Г. М.; Storozhenko, L. I.; Gasii, G. M.
Conference Abstract14-тра-20203-чер-2020Compacting carbon composites by products pyrolysis of natural gas in the termochemical flow-type reactorsSkachkov, V.; Karpenko, A.; Balbekova, B.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Comparative analysis of computer systems for casting processes simulationDanylchenko, Larysa
Conference Abstract28-лис-201818-лют-2019Comparative analysis of economic perfomance of Ukraine and the Democratic Republic of CongoКалунга, М.; Ціх, Галина Володимирівна; Kalunga, M.; Tsikh, H. V.
Conference Abstract28-тра-20199-лип-2019Comparative study of VISSIM and HCM technique LOS determination as exemplified by T-shape and partial cloverleaf interchangesSistuk, Volodymyr; Monastyrskyi, Yurii
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Comprehending hybrid threats and hybrid warfare: the hybridity blizzard modelWeissmann, M.; Nilsson, N.; Palmertz, B.
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Computer aided process designing of manufacturing workpieces by sheet metal formingПилипець, М.; Данильченко, Л.; Pylypets, M.; Danylchenko, L.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Computer modeling of the stress stress-strain state of thin thin-walled tubular structural elements for predicting the limiting stateKozbur, Halyna; Shkodzinsky, Oleh; Kozbur, Ihor; Nadiia, Gashchyn