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Результати від 1 до 10 із 179
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Master Thesisгру-20192-січ-2020An investigation of multinational corporation management, on the example of the Coca-Cola CompanyOduntan, Ibrahim Abiodun; Одунтан, Ібрагім
Master Thesis21-гру-202030-гру-2020An investigation the PJSC OBOLON marketingОлід, Емманюель Бабатунде; Oliyide Emmanuel Babatunde
Course of lectures201620-чер-2018Course of lectures on “Fundamentals of management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Master Thesis20-гру-202029-гру-2020Directions of providing enterprise`s innovation policy (on example of the Starbucks company)Sara, Ali Yousef Ali Labib
Bachelor Thesis25-січ-202326-січ-2023Evaluation of resource management in the organization by using data of LCC TerPolymerGas”Igboanugo, Pascal Ifeanyi
Bachelor Thesis24-січ-202430-січ-2024Evaluation of the sources of conflicts and stresses at work in the organization (Dangote Limited Enterprise as a case-study)Теліма-Адолфус, Оранемі; Telima-Adophus, Oranemi
Bachelor Thesis11-лип-202314-лип-2023Financial security management of an enterprise under crisis conditions, (LLC «Lviv Confectionery Factory «SVITOCH» as a case study)Adjei, Akosua Kaziah; Аджей, Казіях Акосуа Ампомах
Handbook201724-чер-2018Guide on internship for full-time study bachelors majoring in specialism “Management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Master Thesis20-гру-202031-гру-2020Management of innovative projects of the enterprise (on the example of Amazon.com)Kwarteng, Enoch Mckeown
Articleлис-202122-лип-2022Peculiarities of IKEA management in the world and in UkraineYuzyk, Mariia; Юзик, Марія