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Назва: Розробка сайту супермаркету з можливістю замовлень товарів
Інші назви: Development of a supermarket website with the possibility of goods ordering
Автори: Бенджамін, Артур Папа Нян
Benjamin, Arthur
Приналежність: ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя, Факультет комп’ютерно-інформаційних систем і програмної інженерії, Кафедра комп’ютерних наук, м. Тернопіль, Україна
Бібліографічний опис: Benjamin Arthur. Development of a supermarket website with the possibility of goods ordering // Benjamin Arthur : кваліфікаційна робота освітнього рівня „Бакалавр“ „122 — комп’ютерні науки“ / Бенджамін Артур. — Тернопіль : ТНТУ, 2021. — 60 с.
Дата публікації: 26-чер-2021
Дата подання: 12-чер-2021
Дата внесення: 9-лип-2021
Країна (код): UA
Місце видання, проведення: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, ФІС, м. Тернопіль, Україна
Науковий керівник: Гром’як, Роман Сильвестрович
Члени комітету: Луцик, Надія Степанівна
УДК: 004.09
Теми: онлайн магазин
і online grocery shopping
отримання цілеспрямованих споживачів
consumers’ obtaining purposeful
влаштована поведінка
arranged behavior
Короткий огляд (реферат): The initiative of this investigation was to inspect what sort of components can impact customers' goal and how do Ukraine buyers assess these elements to purchase basic food item items by means of the Internet. Foundation: E-business has been a broad environment for purchasers and internet shopping additionally turns out to be an ever-increasing number of predominant nowadays. By the by, in Ukraine, in spite of the fact that there is a gigantic number of online consumers, online shopping for food is as yet in an essential stage. Hypothesis: For this paper, the Theory of Planned Behavior was utilized, just as an assortment of perspectives that are often utilized in the current writing on this field of examination. Strategy: Both quantitative and Qualitative technique were utilized to accumulate essential information and semi-organized meetings were directed with partakers with comparable demographics. Conclusion: Combined with past literature, survey and interviews conducted, relevant components are brought up to be analyzed. Situational variables which incorporate seen product quality, seen item cost, climate, seen potential dangers, conveyance fetched, delivery time, sorts of the item, and time sparing. The study appears that over variables all have an impact on online consumers’ acquiring intention with distinctive levels.
Зміст: Introduction ...6 1. Hypothetical System ...11 1.1. Marketing ...11 1.2. E-commerce ...11 1.3. Hypothesis of Arranged Behavior ...12 1.3.1. Consumers’ Buying Intention ...13 1.3.2. Demeanors ...13 1.3.3. Subjective Standard ...14 1.3.4. Seen behavior control ...14 1.3.5. Purposeful ...14 1.3.6. Behavior ...14 1.4 Situational Variables ...15 1.4.1. Seen Item Quality ...15 1.4.2. Seen Item Cost ...16 1.4.3. Seen hazards ...17 1.4.4 Time-saving ...17 1.4.5. Delivery Price...18 1.4.6 Sorts of Items ...19 1.4.7. Climate ...20 1.4.8 Delivery time ...20 2. Technique and Strategy ...22 2.1. Technique ...22 2.1.1. Investigation Purpose ...22 2.1.2. Subjective research approach ...22 2.1.3. Information quality ...23 2.2. Strategy ...24 2.2.1. Auxiliary information ...24 2.2.2. Essential information collected by survey ...25 2.2.3. Essential information collected by semi-structured interviews ...25 2.2.4. Sampling Strategy ...27 2.2.5. Development of interview questions ...28 2.2.6. Strategy for information analysis ...30 3. Results/Empirical Discoveries ...31 4. Examination ...43 4.1. Current customer behavior towards online grocery shopping ...43 4.2. Demeanors towards online grocery shopping ...46 5. Life Safety...49 Сonclusions ...54 References ...60
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35730
Власник авторського права: © Бенджамін Артур, 2021
Перелік літератури: 1. E-commerce - Wikipedia (22nd May 2021) 2. What is E-Commerce? Definition and Meaning (techtarget.com) (15th February 2021) 3. What is e-commerce? Examples, Benefits, Stats, Strategies (the-future-of-commerce.com) (1st March 2021 ) 4. E-commerce | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica (3rd May 2021) 5. What Is An E-Commerce Website & How To Build One (2021) (cyberchimps.com) (12th April 2021) 6. E-commerce and selling online: The fundamentals | Business Gateway (bgateway.com) (3rd April 2021) 7. E Commerce | Scribd (9th May 2021) 8. 55(D. F. Cox & Rich, 1964).
Тип вмісту: Bachelor Thesis
Розташовується у зібраннях:122 — Компʼютерні науки (бакалаври)

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