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Teitl: Educational Game based On Arduino Controller
Teitlau Eraill: Навчальна гра на базі контролера Arduino
Awduron: Sayed, Ahmed M.
Саєд, Ахмед
Affiliation: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Sayed A. Educational Game based On Arduino Controller. Qualifying paper /Sayed Ahmed// Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Faculty of Computer Information Systems and Software Engineering, Ternopil, 2021, p. – 64
Bibliographic description (International): Саєд А. Навчальна гра на базі контролера Arduino. Дипломна робота бакалавра / Саєд Ахмед// ТНТУ, ФІС, Тернопіль, 2021, 64.с
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Jan-2021
Submitted date: Jan-2021
Date of entry: 15-Feb-2021
Cyhoeddwr: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Supervisor: Яцишин, Василь Володимирович
Yatsyshyn, Vasyl
Committee members: Боднарчук, Ігор Орестович
Bodnarchuk, Ihor
UDC: 004.7
Allweddeiriau: Arduino
Educational game
Number of pages: 64
Crynodeb: In this diploma thesis I learned how to use Arduino board and programe it to make a memory game, games are one of the best ways to learn now a days and it has been recently considered as a electronic sport in many countries, and the main goal of this work is to help people like me with short memory to train their memories in a fun way via mixing learning and playing to bring joy to the learning methods, and simplicity was always the key to many big projects and thoughts.
Content: Introduction. 1. Analysis of subject area. 2. Hardware components of educational game. 3. Software of educational game. 4. Occupational safety and health. Conclusions
References (Ukraine): 1 Medea Arduino For Beginners/ Medea/ [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 2 B_E_N What is an Arduino?/ B_E_N/ [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 3 Alan G. Smith Introduction to Arduino / Alan G. Smith / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 4 4 Hernando Barragán The Untold History of Arduino / Hernando Barragán / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 5 Syed Tasnim Ahmed Arduino Project Report - Academic Project/ Syed Tasnim Ahmed / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 6 Arduino Trivia PASTIBEN/ Arduino Trivia / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 7 Jeremie PROECT HUB/ Jeremie / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 8 CIRCUITO TEAM circuitio.ioblog/ CIRCUITO TEAM/ [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 9 Vasudhendra Badami hackereartth/ Vasudhendra Badami/ [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 10 Laura M. Bitdegree/ Laura M./ [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 11 Brad Jones MUO/ Brad Jones / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 12 Bhavana Harrilal Arduino programming language/ Bhavana Harrilal / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 13 Thomas Marco de Haan codementor/ Thomas Marco de Haan / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 14 Gautam1807 Insttructablecircuits/ Gautam1807 / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 15 Yahya Tawil All about circuits/ Yahya Tawil / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 16 Umair Hussaini technobyte/ Umair Hussaini / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 17 Leo Louis Researchgate/ Leo Louis / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL: 18 DevicePlus Editorial Team DevicePlus/ DevicePlus Editorial Team / [Electronic Resource] Access mode: URL:
Content type: Bachelor Thesis
Ymddengys yng Nghasgliadau:123 — Комп’ютерна інженерія (бакалаври)

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