Ezzel az azonosítóval hivatkozhat erre a dokumentumra forrásmegjelölésben vagy hiperhivatkozás esetén: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/34138
Title: Using CFD Simulation in poultry house with side ventilation system
Authors: Trokhaniak, Viktor Ivanovych
Affiliation: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Trokhaniak V. I. Using CFD Simulation in poultry house with side ventilation system. International scientific journal «Global science and innovations 2020: central Asia» Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, December 2020, P. 95-97.
Issue Date: dec-2020
Date of entry: 21-jan-2021
UDC: 697.92
Keywords: CFD
poultry house
side ventilation system
fresh air valves
Page range: 95-97
Abstract: Exposure and the outbreak of diseases result in significant losses in large scale poultry operation. New ventilation systems are necessary to provide safe and homogenous internal environment at large enterprises, especially under the changeable climatic conditions of global warming. Within the framework of this investigation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of a side ventilation system in a poultry house during winter seasons has been conducted. As a results, 3D temperature fields, current lines and pressures in a poultry house have been found. It has been determined that fresh air valves arranged at a height of 200 mm from flooring work better than those traditionally arranged at a height of 400 mm. The erection of walls on the inside of a poultry house framework as well as the decrease in the height of flooring improve poultry house aerodynamics.
Sponsorship: Supported by Affiliate «Poultry Complex» LLC Vinnitsa Poultry Farm (Ladyzhyn), Project No. 4/80
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/34138
ISSN: 2664-2271
References (Ukraine): Gorobets V.G., Trokhaniak V.I., Antypov I.O., Bohdan Yu.O., (2018), The numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in tunneling air ventilation system in poultry houses, INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering, vol.55, no.2, pp.87-96.
Gorobets V., Bohdan Y., Trokhaniak V., Antypov I., Masiuk M., (2019), Summarizing of Nusselt numbers and Euler numbers in depending of Reynolds number for the compact tube bundle of small diameter tubes by experimental and numerical methods of researches. E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 128, p. 04003. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201912804002.
Gorobets V.G., Bohdan Yu.O., Trokhaniak V.I., Antypov I.O., (2018), Experimental studies and numerical modelling of heat and mass transfer process in shell-and-tube heat exchangers with compact arrangements of tube bundles, MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 240, p. 02006. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201824002006.
Gorobets V.G., Trokhaniak V.I., Rogovskii I.L., Titova L.L., Lendiel T.I., Dudnyk A.O., Masiuk M.Y., (2018), The numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and mass transfer processes for ventilating system effective location. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering, vol. 56, no 3, pp. 185-192.
Trokhaniak V.I., Rutylo M.I., Rogovskii I.L., Titova L.L., Luzan O.R., Bannyi O.O., (2019), Experimental studies and numerical simulation of speed modes of air environment in a poultry house. INMATEH Agricultural Engineering, vol. 59, no 3, pp. 9-18. https://doi.org/10.35633/INMATEH-59-01.
References (International): Gorobets V.G., Trokhaniak V.I., Antypov I.O., Bohdan Yu.O., (2018), The numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in tunneling air ventilation system in poultry houses, INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering, vol.55, no.2, pp.87-96.
Gorobets V., Bohdan Y., Trokhaniak V., Antypov I., Masiuk M., (2019), Summarizing of Nusselt numbers and Euler numbers in depending of Reynolds number for the compact tube bundle of small diameter tubes by experimental and numerical methods of researches. E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 128, p. 04003. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201912804002.
Gorobets V.G., Bohdan Yu.O., Trokhaniak V.I., Antypov I.O., (2018), Experimental studies and numerical modelling of heat and mass transfer process in shell-and-tube heat exchangers with compact arrangements of tube bundles, MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 240, p. 02006. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201824002006.
Gorobets V.G., Trokhaniak V.I., Rogovskii I.L., Titova L.L., Lendiel T.I., Dudnyk A.O., Masiuk M.Y., (2018), The numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and mass transfer processes for ventilating system effective location. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering, vol. 56, no 3, pp. 185-192.
Trokhaniak V.I., Rutylo M.I., Rogovskii I.L., Titova L.L., Luzan O.R., Bannyi O.O., (2019), Experimental studies and numerical simulation of speed modes of air environment in a poultry house. INMATEH Agricultural Engineering, vol. 59, no 3, pp. 9-18. https://doi.org/10.35633/INMATEH-59-01.
Content type: Conference Abstract
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