Defnyddiwch y dynodwr hwn i ddyfynnu neu i gysylltu â'r eitem hon:
Teitl: Economics, Business and Security: Review of Relations
Awduron: Zagorodna, Nataliya
Kramar, Iryna
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Nataliya Zagorodna, Iryna Kramar. Economics, Business and Security: Review of Relations. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020: Monograph / Edited by Pradeep Kumar, Mahammad Sharif. India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath,. 446 p., pp.25-39.
Bibliographic description (International): Nataliya Zagorodna, Iryna Kramar. Economics, Business and Security: Review of Relations. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020: Monograph / Edited by Pradeep Kumar, Mahammad Sharif. India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath,. 446 p., pp.25-39.
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Nov-2020
Date of entry: 4-Dec-2020
Cyhoeddwr: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath
Place of the edition/event: India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath
Allweddeiriau: Economics, business, IT, cybersecurity
Crynodeb: Rapidly expanding “digitisation” in almost all fields of human life has caused a corresponding digitisation of personal, corporate, business and other risks. Economics, business, marketing are not the exceptions in general tendencies. They have been changing dramatically during the last 20 years due to the intensive IT progress. At the beginning of the commercial Internet, there was much discussion among economic researchers on the problem of how information and communications technology revolution would reduce costs of many business cycles (Avi, 2019). Now this fact is indisputable and so the key question to discuss now is how to defend money and assets in the virtual world. According to McAfee and CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) official report, global business is losing almost USD 600 billion, which is an equivalent to nearly 1% of annual global GDP (Gross Domestic Product) because of cybercrime (Lewis, 2018). Cybersecurity Ventures predict that cybercrime will cost the world USD 6 trillion annually by 2021 (Morgan, 2019). As a result, cyber-threats now are in the top list of problems which people, companies and governments face with. New challenges of 26 Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020 cybersecurity lead to re-evaluation and update of business security strategies encompassing growing budgets on defence from cyberattacks. How can security experts reduce business losses? Can economists help to spend money on security issues more efficiently? These and other issues are under consideration in this research paper.
References (International): Avi Goldfarb and Catherine (2019). Tucker Digital Economics Journal of Economic Literature, 57 (1), 3-43, • Lewis J. (2018). Economic Impact Of Cybercrime, No Slowing Down. Report supported by McAFee and CSIS, 28p. • Steve Morgan (2019). Official Annual Cybercrime Report. A 2019 report from Cybersecurity Ventures sponsored by Herjavec Group. • Dennis Viehland (2001). Managing Business Risk in Electronic Commerce, Seventh Americas Conference on Information System Proceedings, P.983-988 • Nastase Floarea and Pavel (2007). Risk Management for eBusiness Revista Informatica Economică, nr. 3 (43)/2007, P56- 59. • Managing the Risk of Post-breach or “Resident” Attacks, Sponsored by Illusive Networks, Independently conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC, November 2018, 34p • Clinton, Larry and National Association Of Corporate Directors. Cyber-Risk Oversight 2020. Directors Handbook Series ed., Washington, Dc, Nacd, National Association Of Corporate Directors, 25 Feb. 2020. • Alice Hutchings (2012). Computer security threats faced by small businesses in Australia, Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, No 433, Australian Institute of Criminology Economics, Business and Security: Review of Relations 39 • Dacosta I., Chakradeo S., Ahamad M. & Traynor P. (2011). One-time cookies: Preventing session hijacking attacks with disposable credentials. Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology. • Sheng X.S. (2009). A policy analysis of phishing countermeasures. Pittsburgh: Carnegie MellonUniversity. • Symantec (2019). Cloud Security Threat Report (CSTR). Adapting to the New Reality of Evolving Cloud Threats. • Ross Anderson(2001). Why Information Security is Hard - An Economic Perspective, Seventeenth Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, USA, 10-14 Dec. 2001, DOI: 10.1109/ACSAC.2001.991552. • Axel Wirth (2017). The Economics of Cybersecurity. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: Cyber Vigilance: Keeping Healthcare Technology Safe and Secure in a Connected World, Vol. 51, No. s6, pp. 52-59. • Wes Sonnenreich, Wes Sonnenreich Jason Albanese, Bruce Stout (2005). Return On Security Investment (ROSI): A Practical Quantitative Model, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology
Content type: Monograph
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